Chapter 22- Linh

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I stood up from the table and stormed out. I hated my parents, if I could even call them that. As I brushed past a couple waiting to be seated, I flicked a stray gray streak out of my face.

I wished the gray would fade. It was an annoying reminder of how much I'd lost. I hadn't just lost my brother a month ago, I had lost my one chance at freedom.

Or had I...


"Hey, Sophie," I said, sitting down. Dex had invited me to sit at their table after my mom had forced me to school. This time, I accepted. Sophie and Keefe were nice to me, though I suspected Keefe was only because of my brother.

"Hey Linh." She said, taking a bite of her salad.

"So I was wondering," I started. This would be an interesting conversation, but I couldn't stay with my parents any longer.


I took a deep breath, "would Edaline and Grady mind if I stayed with you for a while? Just until I could afford a place of my own. I already have a job. I just can't stay with my parents anymore."

Sophie looked shocked but quickly said "of course! I'm sure they'd love to have you."

I smiled, "thanks, Sophie."

"Anytime," she said, looking up at Keefe as he sat next to her.

Dex sat next to me not long after and asked, "how are things with your parents? Also, happy late birthday."

"How'd you know about that," I asked, smiling, hoping to avoid his first question.

"I heard from a little bird, but you're avoiding my question."

I sighed. Dex was too smart for his own good. "Well, it's not the best. Last night, they forced me out to a dinner I didn't even want."

Dex frowned, "I hate them."

I chuckled, "me too."


"What are you doing?" My mom asked, coming into my room.

"What does it look like," I asked, not hummoring her.

She sighed. "Where do you plan to go? That means a job of yours isn't going to pay for a house."

"I have a friend-"

My mom scoffed, "are you really taht stupid? Do you not remember what your brother wanted?"

I flared with anger. "How dare you. You don't get to tell me anything about what Tam wanted for me. What he wanted was freedom. From you."

I grabbed my bag with the few belongings I cared about and stormed past my mom.

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