Special Chapter (Eliza)

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I smiled, walking out of my bosses office.

I had gotten the assignment I'd been waiting for. I had only had one friend in my entire life, and this mission was going to place me right next to her.

I wasn't able to wipe my smile off fast enough as Tam rounded the corner of the training room.

He smirked, a rare occasion, "well, what'd you get?"

I inhaled deeply. "I got a watch mission. But... It's right by where my one friend lives."

Tam's smirk faded slightly as he seemed lost in thought, probably thinking about his twin again.

His love for her was clear. It was one of the things I loved about him most, but it could be annoying at times. Mainly because all he would think about was her. He'd only do things if it benefited her.

"What is the mission exactly?" He asked.

"I'm going to be watching the Ruewin family. Specifically their newest family member." I replied. It was why I was so pleased. My best friend would be right there. I'd literally be watching her sister.

"Well," he started, "have fun."

I smiled, but it faded as I realized I might not see Tam again. This would be at least a month long mission. By then, Tam was sure to have his first mission, and after that... We'd be sure to hop around lucky to ever see anyone we knew.

I realized that as annoying and irritating, he could be I would miss him. I would miss him a lot.

I started forward and wrapped my arms around him. He stiffened, I thought about how he was and figured he'd probably only hugged his sister. Relixlzing that I squeezed tighter.

I felt him relax after a couple of seconds, and his arms wrapped me delicately. He had a surprisingly gentle touch.

I pulled away not long after. I looked him in the eyes and said, "I hope I'll see you again, Tam."

He smirked, "yeah, yeah. I'll miss you too, Slingshot."

"See you, Silver Star."

I turned and left to my dorm. My eyes got slightly misty. Why was I being like this. Tam and I weren't that close. We'd only known each other for about a month and a half.


I arrived on the familiar pastures ready to do this. Grady had been notified by my boss that I'd be checking in. He was a member of the group--Something I hadn't known until now.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Coming," a sweet voice called.

A girl about my age answered the door. She looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place it.

Then I saw Edaline. She had aged but was still beautiful. She really was her daughters mother. Edaline gasped and covered her mouth when she saw me.

The girl turned, and I saw why she was familiar. She was basically a mini Jolie but with brown eyes. I smiled. I couldn't wait to see Jolie.

"Elizabeth," Edaline asked in shock.

I nodded. "It's kind of a long story. Can I talk to you and-"

She cut me off and said to the girl, "Sophie, will you go grab Grady for me, please?"

Sophie looked at Edaline and nodded, turning back into the house. Edaline closed the door and walked up to me.

I was about to speak when she wrapped me in a hug. I sunk into its familiar feel. I had practically grown up with Edaline and Jolie. Sure, my real mom was my best friend after I left, but Jolie, she had always been there before. Edaline right along with her.

After we pulled apart, I had to ask, "where's Jolie?"

Edalines face turned confusing. She seemed almost-

No. I thought. No, no, no. No. Jolie is okay. She's fine.

Edaline pulled me back into a hug, but I pushed her away. I turned a ran. Jolie... She had been my best friend until I found out my biological mom was still alive.

I didn't stop running until I reached the caves at the edge of the property. I wished Tam were here. Maybe he could help.

Why was I thinking about Tam?! Well, his sliver blue- stop that. I scolded myself.

I stopped and was surprised by another girl my age. The girl stood. She was also really familiar...

She seemed almost scared. I couldn't imagine why- Oh, right, she doesn't know me.

"It's okay. I don't want to hurt you. I didn't even know anyone was here," I said calmly, holding out my hands to show I had no weapons. Well... Other than the knife in my boot. "I'm Eliza."

She took a step towards me as I treated out my hand for a handshake. She blinked her eyes and took it.

As she gathered her hair over one shoulder, I knew who she was. The tips were slightly lighter. Fading with time but still present just like her brother's, though he'd redyed his.

I knew before she even said, "I'm Linh," I knew. And I knew that I had been assigned something Tam would hate me for.

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