Chapter 8 -Linh

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Dex walked into the classroom interrupting my thoughts.

He sat next to me but stared down at his desk. He didn't even throw me a glimpse. I knew that my words would have hurt--they hurt to say--but he was crushed.

I was about to say something when Tam asked me, "can I borrow your notes? I must've forgotten mine at home." He didn't actually for get them. I could see his notes peaking out of his backpack. It was just his way of telling me it was better this way.

I really hate him sometimes. I know it's not him. It's this worlds' crazy government. Their experiments made me like I am but now they want me dead for it.

Not many people like me still exist. Most were wiped out after they first discovered them. I was still just a baby and have now been raised to hide it from everyone. Taught that anyone finding out would be lethal.


Running. I was running through a patch of forest I had never seen before. I heard something crashing through the trees behind me.

My head was turned behind me when I slipped. I looked around and noticed I had slipped in a sticky red substance. Blood. I screamed and quickly got up. I was covered in it. I didn't even know whose blood it was. Then I saw him.

Dex. He had a huge wound on his chest that was bleeding heavily.

I heard more crashing and turned to see the creature that created such a wound. It wasn't a creature at all but a person. Based on the build I'd say a woman. She turned and stormed back through the woods leaving Dex and I for dead.

Dex. His breathing was so shallow. There was no saving him from this. Not unless...

I did the one thing Tam always told me to never under any circumstances do. But I had to. If I didn't Dex would die and I couldn't let that happen.

It wasn't working. His wound wasn't sealing like it was supposed to. His breathing wasn't getting any better. The cloaked woman suddenly reappeared in the clearing.

"Your little powers won't work here girl." With that she threw a dagger straight at my face.

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