Chalter 17- (special POV) Keefe

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We had been searching for almost a week. Dex and Linh had been missing for so long that I started to lose hope we'd find them. Maybe they were dead. Maybe dead would be better considering what they'd no doubt have gone through in the past week.

All these thoughts ran through my head as I kicked at rocks on the ground. Tam and Siphie were looking for clues. I didn't like Tam much. I just tolerated him because we had shared interests. We find Linh we find Dex.

We had been led here after finding some tracks leading away from where we think Dex and Linh were last at. Unfortunately, we were once again turning up empty.

My thoughts halted as I caught something shiny in the corner of my eye. I walked closer and noticed a dagger coated with more than a little blood. I peaked over the ravine and blinked. Once. Twice. There they were. And from what I could tell, they were completely unharmed.

"Guys," I shoveled for Sophie and Tam to hear. "They are over here."

I started making my way down the ravine.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the amount of blood on Dex's shirt around a tear in the middle. I also noticed a lot of blood coating his hair. There's no way ehd be alive with the amount of blood he lost. I could see it. The pool on the ground, the light markings staining the grass where he must've rolled down.

I blinked, astonished. How was he not dead. Even better, how was he conscious.

He was fine. Not even a scratch. Tam was very quickly down the hill and by his sisters' side. I was still staring at Dex. Tam was uttering something to Linh.

I barely realized the anger flaring in Dex's eyes. Why there was anger I'm not sure, nor do I really care. I glanced at Linh as the all the peices clicked together together.

A word my mom had told me before she disappeared. Healer. Linh. Linh was a healer. They were supposed to be turned in within the hour or I'd be charged. But... She had saved Dex.

I wasn't sure how to act. What to do. Tam looked at me and stood pulling Linh up with him. He looked ready to run, no doubt trying to decode how I would react. I silently wished him good luck since I didn't know myself.

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