Chapter 12 -Linh

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The world was spinning. I was dizzy. I couldn't see. My brain wanted to explode from the amount of pressure.

I was slowly coming to my senses. As I was, I felt the hard, rough rope tied on my wrists. The same material was on my feet. I also had a disgusting rag in my mouth and a blindfold over my eyes. I was careful not to move, so whoever had me here didn't know I was awake.

Then I heard the voices. "He wasn't part of the plan." It hissed.

He. Dex. Dex was here. And it was because of me.

"Shut up. He'll work towards our advantage. Maybe we can use him against her." A female voice growled back.

Her meaning me. I could barely breathe. And it wasn't because of the gag. They had Dex here. They wanted to use him against me. That's assuming he wasn't hurt already.

Then I felt it. It was white hot pain. I had never felt anything like it.

"Easy Fintan. Don't kill her. We need her alive." The female voice said.

The pain subsided slightly, and I was left panting from the pain. Tge blindfold was wet in front of my eyes.

"Take the blindfold and gag off." The female commanded.

The world around me was dissonanting as the blindfold came off. I looked around and spotted Dex on the ground. From where I was, he looked uninjured, but the dark light made it hard to tell.

I coughed as the gag came off and breathed in the cool air.

"Well, well, well," the woman started. I turned my attention to her and finally got a look at the woman who had haunted my every dream. The woman who now held me captive.

Her hair was up in a bun, and she had light brown hair. She looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place it. "Sorry about the fire. Fintan got a bit carried away as he does when it comes to fire."

I looked over to the man who must be Fintan. He was holding a heating gun in his hand. I followed the cord to where it was plugged in. "You are a sweet one, aren't you. Anyone else would be screaming and pleading for their life. Nit you, though."

"I'm not scared of you." I said in a voice, more confident than I felt.

"Is that so?" The woman asked.

I nodded, hoping that my false confidence was believable.

"Well then, Linh, I suppose I should introduce myself," the woman said. She knew who I was... How? "You may call me Silvia for now. I run this place. And you've already met Fintan. He's our fire expert."

That's when I spotted it. The reason she looked familiar. Why, when her slight smirk would appear, I recognized it.

The woman in front of me--my captive-- was a woman who had been the talk of the school 3 years ago when she dissappear.

I remembered how devastated her husband and son were. Her son was till everyone's dream man due to how attractive he was. But I'd met him and his girlfriend and they were happy. In fact, they were best friends with Dex.

I was staring at the one and only Lady Gisela.

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