Chapter 28- Linh

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I sat sulking on my bed. I should've told him what I was thinking. Or maybe stopped him from leaving. Speaking of which, why did he leave like that? Did he not actually mean it?

I huffed a sigh as Sophie walked in with some tea. "Come on, just tell me what's wrong. Please."

I inhaled and slowly let it out. "Well, you remember how I told you about that funny feeling I have about Eliza?"

Sophie nodded and said, "yeah, I have the same feeling."

"OK, well, she started following me on the way home, and I- I got really scared for whatever reason, and I ran into Dex. He kinda helped me, but then," I sighed. How was I going to phrase this. "Then he brought me home, but I can't stop thinking about..."

I trailed off. What if he didn't mean it? Or what if he had? Would I really want Sophie to know everything? She was nice, but could I trust her with something like this?

"Thinking about what?" Sophie asked.

"Just... I didn't thank him, and I should've. Also, why did Eliza send me into such a panic? I just done get it." I said.

"Oh. Yeah, I am still trying to find any information on her, but... I dont want to push Grady and Edaline too far. They knew her before... Before Jolie, I think." Sophie replied.

Sophie went back downstairs, and I sipped on my tea. I was exhausted, I realized, so I went to bed, but my head was still swimming with a million questions about the night.


"Ling Song," I heard come from the speakers, "please report to the office."

I was confused but went my way up. When I got there, the principal pointed to a small wrapped box on her desk. "It has your name on it, so I'd assume it's for you. But in the future, tell whoever it's from they can give it to you directly."

"Thank you, Mrs. Z." I said. I picked up the box and left.


"What's in it?" Sophie asked at lunch.

"I don't know. I've been too nervous to open it." I said, looking at the small box.

"Well, come on, I need to see if it's something prankable." Keefe said, making me giggle.

I pulled on the end of one of the ribbon strings and the bow untied. I pulled the top off the box and was utterly confused.

"What is that," Eliza asked, peering over my shoulder into the box. I really hated her, though I still didn't know why.

"I don't know," I said, pulling the small cube out.

"Looks like some sort of gadget. Is there an on button?" Keefe asked.

"I didn't know you were techy? How'd you know it was a gadget?" I was right. Keefe was not techy, and without looking closely, you'd never see the small screws holding it together or the small buttons on the side.

"Hey, I'm friends with Dex," he said, shrugging.

I smiled and inspected the cube closer. It was about the size of my hand but small enough to easily be carried around with me. I noticed two buttons, one with the label on the other labeled off.

I hesitantly pushed the on button and gasped as I saw the scene being projected on the table in front of me. The scene was of me and Tam. I was laughing with a huge smile on my face, but Tam...

He was perfect. It looked so real that I wanted to reach out and hug him. Tell him never to leave me like that again.

Even his half smile I was positive only I had seen was perfect. It was him. I felt a silent tear streak down my cheek.

"Woah... It's so perfect." Eliza said.

Keefe, Sophie, and I all nodded. It was.

"Who's it from?" Eliza asked, picking up the box to inspect it.

"I don't know." I replied. I was just as curious to find out. I noticed the tag that I assumed had my name on it. I picked it up and smiled. There wasn't another name, but my name was written in neat twirling letters.

It was a good attempt at disguising his handwriting, but I'd still know it anywhere.

"What?" Keefe asked.

"I know who it's from." I replied. Maybe he had meant it. I wanted him to mean it. I wanted it to be true.

I wanted him to love me cause I loved him.

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