Chapter 24- Linh

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"Hey, Linh?" Sophie asked, walking into her room that we now shared. I was sitting on the extra bed they'd set up for me.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up smiling.

She smiled and pulled out a brush and some hair ties. "So," she started dragging the word out, "I'm not one for makeovers and whatnot, but I thought maybe you'd want to do our hair together? Just to, you know, get to know each other better?"

I smiled. "Sure!"

Sophie had me start first, and I have to say I was so excited. Sophie started off by asking, "favorite animal?"

I pulled her hair into small parts as I pondered. "Hm. I'd have to say the sea turtle."

Sophie chuckled. "What about the sea turtle do you like?"

"I don't actually know it's just so... Majestic. Also, I love the ocean."

"That's amazing. Mine is probably the fox. They are just so beautiful it's ahrd not to love them." Sophie replied. I hadn't really thought about it, but foxes were gorgeous animals.

I continued to twist her hair in a delicate design as she told me about how she'd come to be with Grady and Edaline. She also detailed how she'd met Dex getting some medication and how she'd met Keefe at school.

She even admitted, "I always thought Keefe was the cool kid, and I won't lie he's attractive." I giggled, cutting her off. Sophie shot a side eye with a smile before she continued, "Anyways, we somehow ended up as friends. Then, before the dance, Dex dared Keefe to ask out his crush, and he turned to me right then and there. And I don't regret it. I love him so much. It's crazy."

I smiled, putting in the last pin as she finished. "All done." I said, turning Sophie to face the mirror in her bedroom.

Sophie gasped. "Linh, it's beautiful."

Her hair had been half-braided, pulled into a bun/ponytail contraption, and let to flow loose at the ends. I smiled. "Tam used to help me do that one all the time. He called it the 'Linh-a-do'."

Sophie chuckled, and my smile turned sad as I thought about Tam.

Sophie turned back to me and started to pull my hair into two sections. I immediately recognized the familiar way her hand wound the two sections into braids.


"Ow," I said as Tam tugged on my hair.

"Oh, relax, it doesn't even hurt!" He said in reply, feigning anger even though he was smiling.

I smiled despite myself. "It does, too. How would you know?"

Tam just chuckled and continued braiding my hair. I was used to the way his fingers twisted my hair into two braids.

When he was finished, he sent me into our shared bathroom to put my dress on. It was my first dance ever. I was so excited. I came out in the floor-length purple dress. Tams smile widened with pride when he saw me.

"Look at my sister. You are totally going to wow all the boys." His smile was so warm and loving. I thought I would get lost in his love and pride for me.

It was moments like this that reminded me he was my brother. And I was his sister. And that was never going to change.

-Flashback end-

I smiled at the memory. Tam and I had always been close. Tahts why losing him was so hard, but I could feel myself healing. I didn't want to break down and cry every time I thought of him anymore.

The flashbacks were never ones, that made me cry they were always tainted with sadness and longing but never sad. I was still haunted by nightmares, but Sophie was helping me through them. I'd woken her up one night and ever since she'd been there to comfort me when I needed her.

I missed Tam. I really did. But maybe, just maybe, Sophie would help heal that gap. Someone to get me through the pain.

I had lost a brother, but I was gaining a sister. Tam would never be replaced, but gaining Sophie in my life was something I needed.

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