Special Chapter

36 3 17

"Fight harder!" Eliza yelled at me as we fought.

"I'm trying my best," I said, shoving her back with the wooden bar.

"This is not your best on even your worst day." She said, pushing me against the wall with double the force I had put into my shove.

I sighed, lowering my bar. "What is with you today. You've been lacking all day."

"I'm just not," I struggled to find words and eventually just said, "feeling it."

"You're just not feeling it?" She demanded. "You managed to take down five of Gisela's best men and injure another five with just a kitchen knife, and you are just not feeling it?"

I sighed again, slumping against a bench to take a sip of water. "Its... It's her birthday today and I'm not there."

Eliza's expression changed as she sat down next to me. "Look, I get it, but you know -"

"Yes, I know why they have to think what they think, but it's still... It just doesn't feel right." I said after a minute.

"Look," Eliza started again. I already knew what was coming. Every time I said something like this, she'd talk about her mother, who watched her die. Like I cared at all.

"My mom was my best friend. She watched me die in front of her eyes. It could be worse. At least she was lucky enough not to watch you die. And we both know there was no body for her to see." Eliza winked lightly.

I hated this place. I didn't really because they were working to protect the healers remaining, but everyone working here was not allowed any contact with friends or family. Oh, and also, everyone working here was dead for a minute or two before one of the strong healers brought us back. It's a weird process, one that I wish I hadn't had to go through.

"I know. But it's different for you. Your mom had friends people to look out for her." I said, thinking to the stupid rule I'd forced on her.

"Here," she stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her, "go up to your room, put on some dark clothes, and meet me here."

When I was in my room, all I had was a 'funeral' outfit. It was a black suit with black pants. I guess it would have to work. I slipped it on and met Eliza in the training room.

To my surprise, she was also dressed in a long dress. Her hair was put up in a fancy bun, and she had heels on. "Ah good, you did dress nice."

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked. She didn't answer me as she pulled me out to the car with her. She gave the driver a piece of paper with instructions on it and sat across from me.

"Want to tell me where we're going yet?" I asked only slightly irritated.

"Nope," she replied cheerfully before adding, "oh and wear this. Your bangs stand out too much."

I glared at her as she handed me a can of hair spray. "You've got to be kidding me."

"No. Now just use it, will you before I do it myself."

I reluctantly sprayed it onto my hair. By the time I was done, we had arrived at a fancy restaurant.

As we walked in, Eliza gave the waiter a name, and he walked away to grab someone. I looked around the place utterly confused. Then I saw them. I scoffed. Only my parents would be out having a meal like this only a month after I 'died'.

Then I saw her. Her black hair had grown slightly longer since I last saw her, and she was slouched over her plate with an elbow holding her head up. She didn't look like she wanted to be here. I watched as the man at the table corrected her posture, but she must've gained a bit of rebellion because she just stood up.

"I'm so done with you! Tam died not even a month ago. I don't care about appearances. I care about the fact that I just lost my brother, and you are dragging me out to some fancy dinner I didn't even ask for. I'm done. If I had anywhere else to live, I'd have moved out the minute I could." With that, Linh stormed out and brushed past me. She was too busy glaring at the floor with angered fists to notice me.

I blinked and stared at Eliza. Eliza just shrugged and said with a smile, "Lucky coincidence, huh?"

I knew by her smirk it wasn't a coincidence. And it did feel nice. It was nice to just see her. To know she was okay. Even if she didn't know I was here.

"Thank you." I whispered to Eliza as the waiter led us through the restaurant.

"You needed it. Now let's eat shall we Mr. Sliver Star." I smiled.

"Yeah, let's Slingshot."

"I already you you not to call me that." She said, scolding me.

"Oh really?  Slingshot, Slingshot," I started chanting.

She was annoyed at me and started saying, "Stop it. Stop," when she realized taht wasnt working she said, "Tam!"

I looked up. "Yes, Slingshot."

"You are insufferable." She mumbled.

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