3. From the Future

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Since the incident last week, Minho hadn't visited Jisung or the apartment itself

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Since the incident last week, Minho hadn't visited Jisung or the apartment itself. He wasn't avoiding the boy, it was just that he hadn't got any opportunity to see him.

He really wanted to know more about Jisung though, and he was going to do that when he got the chance.

Whistling to himself, Minho was walking around the park with the cool breeze caressing his skin, the weather was nice and the redhead's favourite, windy and refreshing.

He was just looking around when he noticed a very familiar blue haired boy enter the park and decided to greet him.

"Hi!" The redhead exclaimed when he caught up to the familiar male. "Oh? Hello" Jisung greeted back with a smile.

"What're you doing here?" Minho asked to which the boy shrugged, "just took a break from studying" The redhead nodded in understandment and asked if they could walk together to which Jisung agreed.

They walked side by side, in silence until Jisung spoke up, "I'm sorry, for what I did the last time" he apologized while looking down at his feet. Minho frowned, "you did what?" The latter asked, genuinely not knowing what the boy was apologizing for.

Jisung looked at him and chuckled dryly, "for making you uncomfortable, I got too close" he clarified and Minho's lips formed an small 'o' shape at the realisation.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable, it was just too sudden" Minho responded and glanced at Jisung before diverting his gaze again.

"But still I shouldn't have done that" the younger said with a sigh, "because you left immediately after" the latter added and Minho shook his head, "I just get flustered easily" he said through a chuckle which also made Jisung smile.

"So, are we okay now?" The younger asked and Minho laughed, "we were never bad" he said as they continued to walk.

They talked some more until Minho spotted two children playing in the middle of the ground and his mind immediately came up with a plan to mess with the kids.

"Don't smile and play along with me" Minho warned before he gently grabbed jisung's wrist, dragging him towards the kids.

A yelp left the younger's lips, "okay, but what're you gonna do?" He questioned but Minho didn't answer and just smiled devilishly.

And before Jisung even knew it, they reached the kids and Minho was pulling him down.

"Guys, we need your help" Minho said to the kids and looked around as if he was worried and in an urgency.

Both the kids looked at each other before they scooted closer to Minho and Jisung, "momma said not to talk to strangers" the shorter kid said and Jisung almost smiled but sucked it in when Minho slightly nudged him.

"We're not strangers" the redhead paused to look at Jisung and gave him a nod, "we're you, but from the future, right?" He asked the last part, directing it towards the blue haired male who agreed.

The kids gasped and looked at each other and then scanned the faces of the older boys or should we say their future versions, Jisung was fighting his urge to laugh out loud at the kids' reaction.

"Then tell me my name" the other kid said and Minho shook his head, distressed, and glanced back at the space between him and Jisung, "we can't, the guy in the cape wouldn't allow us" the redhead said and the kids frowned, along with Jisung who also turned back but there was no one, alone in a cape, but Jisung understood the assignment and looked at the kids again.

"There's no one" the shorter kid said, still staring off into the space between the older boys. "He won't allow you to see him" Jisung spoke before Minho and  gave him a wink as he continued, "he's super tall and is wearing a cape" he explained and one of the kids squealed, "like a superman?" the kid said and laughed along with the other.

"No. Like a Dracula" Minho said and the kids' faces fell, "did mom bought me a unicorn, at least?" The taller kid asked and to the kid's dismay, Minho shook his head.

"We need help" Jisung deadpanned before the kid could start crying, "yes and it's urgent, we only have ten more minutes" Minho spoke in a rushed voice and glanced back at the 'caped guy'.

"We want you to get a rechargable pair of socks, so that you can fly in the sky and get away from this caped guy" Minho explained and stood up in a rush and pulled Jisung up with him, "we need to go because this guy is getting angry" Jisung said in a sheepish voice, refering to the caped guy, who the kids couldn't see.

"And where do we get them?" The shorter of the two kids asked and Minho squinted his eyes at him, "ask your mom to buy it or the caped guy will not leave you alone. He will always follow you" the redhead said in a deep voice, trying to scare the kids before he ran off, along with Jisung.

"At least we're gonna be pretty" they heard one of the kids say when they were leaving.

As soon as both the boys were out of the park, they bursted info a fit of laughter. Jisung leant against a wall and held his stomach, because it started to hurt from all the laughing.

"Their mom's gonna have a hard time finding them a rechargable pair of socks" The younger panted between the laughs, "They looked like they needed some drama, so I gave them" Minho flexed and flipped his non existent long hair off of his shoulder.

"It was so fun" Jisung said once his laughing had calmed down, the older nodded his head and sassed, "I know"

After a few minutes of chatting, Minho asked, "I could walk you home?" Jisung looked at him, a bit shocked but agreed nonetheless.

As they were walking, by each other's side again, a small smile crept up on Minho's lips, he felt happy to be around the younger boy.

What am I doing with my life

With all my love

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