Chapter 39 - Camp

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Alexia's POV
I wake up to soft snores and arms wrapped around me. I love waking up like this. Am I falling for her? I think I am...
"Bon dia amor." I hear a groggily tired y/n say.
"Bon dia my love." I say back. I turn and face her. Her hands move down and grip my waist as she looks at me in the eyes. We've been so flirty and touchy recently but we've yet to kiss or go on a date.
"Do you have to leave?" I ask.
"International duties babe. You have them too, I just have to take a flight back to England while you get to stay in sunny Spain." She says with a frown.
I decide to hold y/n for a bit knowing she's probably thinking about seeing Leah for the first time in months since the girl broke her heart.
"What's on your mind?" I ask and the beautiful girl in my arms looks up at me.
"I'm scared to see everyone." She says.
"Lucy and Keira will be there with you. You've also got Beth." I say and she hums.
"They're all her friends too. I'm bound to see her and run into her. I mean Ale I'm vice captain and she's captain." She says.
"Just be professional my love. Remember you don't have to talk to her if you aren't ready and I'm always here for you. Just one Facetime call away." I say and she gives me a small smile. "Lets get you packed princess your flight leaves in five hours."

y/n's POV
Alexia helped me pack and she's driving me to the airport. My hand intertwined with hers resting in my lap. I nervously play with the rings on her fingers.
We arrive at the airport and Ale helps me with my bags. We stay outside waiting for Lucy and Keira to arrive.
"I'm going to miss you." Ale says.
"I'm going to miss you too Ale." I say.
"Here... so it's like I'm with you on the plane." Ale says taking off her Barca jumper with her number on it. I smile taking it from her hands and slipping it on immediately.
"Gracias mi amor." I say. "Don't miss me too much, what's mine is yours steal all the clothes you want." Ale laughs a bit before engulfing me in a tight hug. I kiss her forehead softly before pulling away and looking into her eyes.
"Go on a date with me?" I blurt out suddenly and feel my face heat up.
"When you get back. Promise." Ale says and I smile widely.
"Hope I'm not ruining something." Keira says.
"We've got a date." Ale says grinning.
"I heard that congratulations you two. Took you long enough." Lucy says walking up to us.
I hug Ale once more just wanting to just be held by this woman I've been crushing on a lot.
"Go my love you're going to miss your flight." She says.
I bury my head into the crook of her neck and softly kiss it. I feel her shiver and I mumble "You're starting to sound British."
She giggles and says "I've had a good English teacher."
"Okay love birds y/nn we have to go." Kei says.
Ale hugs me tighter before letting go.
"It's a see you later." Ale says.
"Mhm see you later beautiful." I say before walking into the airport with Luce and Kei.
I'm clutching Ale's hoodie in my hands as we go through TSA. We get through security and arrive at the gate just in time to board the plane.

I post this photo on my story as we board the plane

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I post this photo on my story as we board the plane.
"Alexia's hoodie?" Kei asks and I just nod my head yes.
"I'm glad you're smiling again." Kei says. "I know seeing her is going to be hard but we're here for you."
"Thanks." I say quietly.
We sit on the plane and I am grilling the seat for dear life. I mumble quietly to myself.
"Ale's with me. She's with me. She's with me." I say and repeat to myself until we reach cruising altitude and I open my eyes. I take a deep breath and I notice Lucy looking at me.
"Someone's whipped." She says laughing.
"Shut it. I hate flying." I say.
"You handled it pretty well though." Lucy says.
The rest of the flight went smoothly, even the landing. Kei, Luce and I find the car to SGP and we run into G at the airport and she joins our car ride.
"Y/nn!" G says running and jumping into my arms.
"Georgia!" I say.
"How've you been mate?" She asks.
"Happy I think. Alexia makes me happy." I say with a small smile.
"I'm glad, smiling suits you. That eternal pout didn't serve you well." Georgia says.

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