Chapter 25 - Send Off

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July 1
Leah's POV
Today is the send off game versus Portugal before we start the World Cup and we're playing in my hometown of Milton Keynes. My whole family will be there, y/n's family can't make the game due to a family emergency in Italy. After her nonna's death I feel like they haven't been as supportive of y/n which makes me sad for the girl I love who deeply values family. We're currently on the bus on our way to the stadium and everyone's buzzing except my lover girl.
"Hey lover girl." I say taking her attention away from the window.
"Hmm." She says.
"Bubba what's wrong?" I ask.
"I just wish they were here." She says sighing.
"Me too y/nn... they still love you though and support you." I say.
"Yea I guess, everything's just been so different." She says.
"I know bubba... my family loves you though and will support you no matter what." I say.
"Thank you babe." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek and we hear Georgia wolf whistle.
"Stop it G." I say.
"Get a room." She says back.
"We have one." y/n says smirking. I slap her shoulder playfully feeling my face heat up.
We arrive at Wembley and we head straight to the changing rooms. We all get dressed in our pre match gear and I have a press conference with Sarina before warm ups.
"Boo!" someone yells and I jump. I turn around and see my girlfriend laughing. I smack her shoulder.
"Not fucking funny." I say.
"They want me at the press conference too." She says.
"Come on you two!" Sarina yells and we both quickly meet Sarina.
We arrive at the press conference and Sarina is answering questions while y/n and I are sitting there doing nothing. I look over at y/n and she looks at me drinking water.
"Leah!" I hear someone yell and I look off into the crowd and find who's calling my name.
"How do you feel dating one of the sexiest women alive?" They ask catching me off guard and certainly y/n who chokes on her water. Y/n starts coughing and laughing and my face probably went red.
"I'm sorry but we are here to answer questions related to football and todays match." I say and y/n nods in agreement.
We answer a couple more appropriate questions before heading back to the changing rooms.
"I just choked on water in a recorded interview." Y/n says shaking her head embarrassed.
"It's okay bubba because I looked like a fucking tomato." I say groaning and she gives me a hug. She spins me around and we both laugh before walking into the changing room. We walk in and everyone is looking at us.
"The skipper has gone soft!" Georgia says in a sing song voice.
"Oh shush let's get ready for the match." I say and we put on ABBA. We head out for warm ups and but first the team picture. We all get ready for the team picture when I look to my right and see my girlfriend is not there.
"Where the fuck is y/n?" I ask. I see our starting eleven except y/n. We've got Lucy, Millie, Alex and I in the back, then G, Kei and Ella and then Less, Hempo and LJ. We all look over at one another and then look at the goal and there's my girl warming up.
"Y/N!" We all yell.
We continue yelling for her and eventually she notices and starts jogging over.
"We could've just left her and edited her in later." Georgia says.
"Sorry, I forgot." Y/nn says standing next to me and Less.
"We almost took the picture without you." Less says laughing. We take the picture and y/n runs off with Roebs and Mearps to continue warm ups. I watch her with a smile on my face.
"You're so in love it's actually sickening." Keira says.
"Says you... you're engaged." I say.
"I am." Keira says all happy blushing.
"We're happy for you Kei. You and Lucy deserve happiness." Georgia says. We finish warm up and head back to the changing room.
"All right girls, play with your hearts out there on the field. This is England!" I say and everyone gets hype.
"Fuckin' buzzin'!" y/n yells. Alessia got y/n into saying buzzing and it has not stopped since. We line up in the tunnel next to the Portugal team and I see everyone checking out y/n. I get a little jealous and I feel a hand around my waist.
"Ignore them bella." Y/n says and I smile. Let's get this done.

y/n's POV
The final whistle blows and the match ended 0-0. Not the outcome any of us expected. I see all the girls shirt swapping with the players and I see the Portugal keeper approach me.
"podemos trocar camisas?" She asks nervously and I nod. We swap jerseys and take a picture for the cameras.
"obrigado, isso significa muito para mim. você é meu ídolo" She says.
"não desista você tem um futuro brilhante pela frente." I say and she catches me off guard with a hug. I reciprocate it and smile at her as she walks back to her team with tears in her eyes.
"That was touching." Lucy says.
"It was." I say.
"Your girlfriend looks jealous." Lucy says.
"She's standing with your fiancé." I retort.
We walk over to them.
"Put that jersey on people are staring at you." Le says jealous. I chuckle and put on the Portugal keepers jersey. I give Le a kiss on the cheek and hug her.
"You played amazing today." I say.
"So did you." She says.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too." She says. We go walk over to her family and say hi. It makes me wish my family was here too.
"Hi future sister in law!" Jacob says.
"Hey Jacob." I say laughing. I look over at Leah and she's blushing.
"Hey Ben, hey Holly." I say.
"Hi y/n." They both say.
I turn to greet Amanda but she engulfs me in a hug.
"I'm sorry your family couldn't make it." Amanda says.
"It's okay." I say with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.
"You have us darling." Amanda says. "You're part of our family now."
"Thank you Amanda." I say. We break our hug and Leah hugs her mum before grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. She softly kisses the back of my hand. We chat with her mum and family before we head back to the changing room. The ride back to St. George's Park was quiet as everyone is disappointed in our performance today. Le and I immediately head to our room when we arrive at SGP. We take a quick shower before laying down on our bed. Leah pulls out her sudoku book and we play sudoku and watch Criminal Minds relaxing for the rest of the night knowing tomorrows debrief of the game is going to be tough.
"Do you want kids?" Le asks out of the blue. I freeze and pause the show. I look down at her since she has her head resting on my chest.
"I want kids, at least a boy and a girl. I want them to have adorable cute names. I like Theodore... Theo for short, maybe Luca. Annabella is a beautiful name." She rambles.
"I want kids with you." I say and she smiles.
"Theodore Luca Williamson y/ln... has a great ring to it. Annabella Rose Williamson y/ln."
"I love those names already. I've always liked the names Sofia, Willow, Charlotte, Sawyer, Skylar and Hazel." She says.
"I really would love to name our little boy Lee and little girl Cathrine. Reminds me of you... Finnick Lee or Finn for short or if he rather go by Nick." I say. "Bennett or Oakley."
"We have time bubba." Leah says.
"I love planning our future together." I say.
"It's my favorite thing to do." Leah says.

A/N Filler chapter before the World Cup!

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