Chapter 29 - Betrayal

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Leah's POV
I. I don't want to believe what I just saw. She told me she loved me. She cheated on me. With Alexia Putellas... the girl she told me not to worry about. I'm crying my eyes out sitting on the curb outside the bar. I watch Alexia and Lucy with y/n and I watch my girlfriend well ex girlfriend leave with Alexia. Lucy spots me and walks over to me.
"I thought you were better than this. You didn't hear her out." Lucy says disappointed in me and then walks away.
How is this my fault. She cheated.
"Leah!" I hear and I see Keira walking towards me.
"Are you fucking STUPID?!" She yells. Not the reaction I expected.
"I didn't cheat, SHE DID!" I argue back.
"Did you let her speak? Did you hear her side of the story or did you just assume?" She asks.
"I saw what I saw." I say.
"I know you didn't let her say anything Leah and I thought you were better than this. I know for a fact they didn't kiss." Keira says.
"WHY IS EVERYONE SIDING WITH HER!" I say frustratedly.
"This is the one time I am taking a side and I am on y/n's side Leah. You really really messed up. If you want to fix what you just ruined you're going to have to beg and plead with that girl who loves you to death to give you another chance." Keira says.
"She's gone. She left with Alexia." I say.
"I know. Go fucking find her and then you'll know where and why." Keira says and leaves me outside.
I sat outside head buried in my hands. Crying trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up and see three of the faces of the USWNT.
"Leah right?" I heard one of them say. It was Rapinoe and to her left was Kelley O'Hara and right was Alex.
"That's Leah." Alex says.
"Do you need anything?" I ask.
"We just wanted to confirm to you that y/n did cheat on you with Alexia." Alex says.
Coming out of her mouth I didn't believe it but then the other two spoke.
"Yea, I am so sorry Leah we walked in and they were kissing." Megan says.
"It was a full blown make out. Naughty shit being said in Spanish and everything." Kelley says.
"That's enough. Thanks for letting me know." I say and with that they walk away. I call the one person I know will be with me always.


Le what's wrong?

It's over...

What's over? Did y/n pro-

She cheated on me.

What?! Leah tell me what happened.

She was in the bathroom with Alexia. I saw them together.

Did you see them kiss?


Did y/n have her hands on Alexia?


Did y/n try to talk to you?


Did you let her?


So you didn't see anything happen but you assumed something did?

Well Alex from the USWNT...

Alex? Y/n's ex fiancé?

Yes. Alex, Megan and Kelley came and just told me they saw y/n and Alexia kissing.

Oh Leah baby... you believe the girl and her friends who crushed the heart of your girlfriend and didn't give y/n a second to explain anything?

Why is everyone siding with y/n?! She cheated.

Sweetie you didn't even give her a chance to say anything.


Did she actually or are you just assuming?

I know what I saw Mum and believe what I heard.

Leah you didn't see them kiss you just saw them together.

But they have a history.

Yes they do. Think about how y/n feels whenever she sees you and Jordan around one another at England camps.

That's different Mum.

How bubba? You and Jordan dated... for a very long time. Alexia and y/n never dated they just got together a couple times.

She told me not to worry about Alexia.

And you don't need to Le.

But Mum you didn't see Alexia's hands cupped around y/n's face.

There's an explanation for this Leah and I know you know that deep down. Go find y/n and listen to her side of the story.

She's gone Mum. She left with Alexia.

I don't believe that y/n would ever cheat on you Leah. I see how much that girl loves you. Call me when you hear her out.

But Mum...

But nothing Leah. Follow your heart and not your head. This is on you.

I hang up the phone and feel angry. Frustrated mostly because no matter who I talk to I feel unsupported. Everyone is siding with y/n but I know she cheated on me with Alexia. I scroll through my phone and block her contact and her accounts in social media. I can't trust her, she broke my trust.
I go back inside and head straight to the bar. I take a shot and order a drink. I'm sipping on my drink when I see Esme and Hempo sitting next to me.
"You okay?" Esme asks. I just shook my head no.
"OH SHE DID NOT PROPOSE." Hempo says earning a slap on the shoulder by Esme.
"What?!" I exclaim. Y/n was going to propose...
"Yea she had the ring and everything. Whenever you weren't present she'd always gush about it." Hempo says. I groan now feeling like the biggest idiot ever... she would never cheat on me. I need to find her and go talk to her. I made a mistake... I try to get up but I stumble a bit and someone catches me.
"Come on skipper I am taking you back to the hotel." I hear someone say. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist but it isn't my girl. I turn around and see probably one of the last people I want to converse with.
"Jordan." I say.
"Yea Leah it's me. Let's get you back to the hotel." She says.
"No, no I have a girlfriend." I say.
"You broke up with her, let me take you back to the hotel please, you can't walk like this." Jordan says. My mind flashes back to when I opened the bathroom door and screamed at y/n that I never loved her and that we were done. I shut my eyes tightly to prevent tears from streaming down my face. Jordan and I slowly make it back to the hotel and she walks me to my room. My room with y/n.
"If you ever need someone to talk to I am always here." Jordan says.
"Thanks Jords." I mumble quietly and open the door to the room. I stumble inside and turn on the light. No sign of her. Her bags are gone... she left. I sit on our bed which smells like her still and cry until I can't cry anymore. I hear a soft knock on the door.
"Come in." I say choking back a sob.
"Hey Leah." Kei says sitting down next to me.
"Kei I fucked up. She's gone." I say.
"I know... she's gone for now but she's coming back. Give her time." Kei says.
"I don't want to give her time! I want to spend every second of the day loving her with my entire heart and be able to call her mine. Did you know she was going to propose?" I ask.
"Yea... she was going to look for you and take you to the beach tonight." Kei says and I cry even more.
"God I just lost the love of my life." I say.
"No Le give her time to heal and she'll come back." Kei says.
"She won't... I did exactly what I said I would never do to her. I did exactly what Alex did to her. I yelled at her Kei... I told her I never loved her." I say burying my head in my hands.
"Le..." Kei says.
"I know... I broke her heart but she broke my trust." I say.
"Leah she did not kiss Alexia." Kei says.
"How would you know?" I ask.
"Alexia is in LOVE with Hermoso." Kei says.
"It's not my place to tell you anything that happened to y/n tonight. You'll have to ask her yourself."
"My heart is telling me to run after her but I don't know where she is but my mind has a permanent image of Alexia pinning y/n against the wall." I say.
"Everything will be okay." Kei says wrapping her arms around me.
"I hope so because she is my everything." I say.

A/N Next update at 50 ⭐️ happy holidays everyone! Thoughts on what's in store for Leah and y/n?

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