Chapter 34 - El Clasico

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Alexia's POV
Today is El Clasico and y/n's debut. I know Jona has a lot of faith in y/n but making her debut El Clasico worries me especially since I have not seen the girl rest properly or eat since she's arrived. We're currently on the team bus going to the stadium, y/n is asleep on my shoulder and Keira and Lucy are across from us.
"She looks tired." Lucy says.
"She's got bags under her eyes." Keira says.
"Has she been sleepin'?" Lucy asks.
"No not very well... I don't think she's been eating either." I say.
"Out of all games she debuts El Clasico..." Keira says.
"It's going to be rough." Lucy says.
"Si, I'm worried for her. She's been doing well in training though." I say.
"That's y/n she always performs well under stress." Keira says.
"She'll pull through she's strong." Lucy says.

Leah's POV
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lia asks. I look over at her and she has her eyebrow raised up at me.
"Yea I've come to support Keira." I say.
"Is that the only reason why we are here?" Lia asks as we walk into Barcelona's stadium.
"Of course." I say uneasily.
"Leah... come on man. If you wanted to see her just check social media or the news." Lia says.
"I have her blocked." I say.
"Well then unblock her, Barca posts about her at training just look at that." Lia says.
"I need to see her in person Lia. See how she's doing..." I admit truthfully. "It's also her debut and I wanted to be here to support her."
"Maybe you can talk to her today." Lia says.
"Maybe... Keira and Lucy are still mad at me so I don't know if they'd let me speak to her." I say.

y/n's POV
I wake up and lift my head from Ale's shoulder.
"Good morning sleepyhead." She says kissing my forehead.
"How long was I asleep for?" I ask rubbing my eyes.
"Well we are arriving at the stadium now." Lucy says.
"Great." I say yawning.
"Ho dic de la manera més agradable possible, però pares cansat" Ale says in Catalan so that Lucy and Keira don't understand them. First thing I've done since arriving in Barcelona besides crying was learning Catalan and Ale has taken full advantage of me learning the language.
"Wow gràcies ale no ho sabia." I say looking at her.
"Encara ets bonica." Ale says. However her eyes tell a different story, I can see that she's worried for me. "No has de jugar avui, pots deixar-ho fora. A Jona no li importarà."
"Estic bé." I say.
"So us sentiu malalt, asseieu-vos perquè pugueu sortir, això és una ordre del vostre capità." Ale says sternly and I roll my eyes playfully.
"Yes mum." I say mockingly at the Spaniard.
"I don't understand how you've learned Catalan so fast I can't even speak Spanish." Keira says.
"Learning languages is a good pass time, you should try it Keira." I say.
"Oh shut up y/nn." Keira says and we all laugh.
The bus parks in front of the player entrance and I hear the shouting of the fans. I look out the window and see a bunch of Barca fans eagerly waiting for us to exit the bus.
"Welcome to Barca." Alexia whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
"Thank you for welcoming me captain." I say into hers and I look at her and Ale is blushing.
"Vamos!" Mapi yells from the front of the bus. We all walk out and wave at the fans before heading to the changing rooms. We get dressed for warm ups and Jona goes over our line up one more time before we head out to warm up.
"Okay this is a big match it's El Clasico. Everyone let's congratulate y/n today she will have a debut!" Jona says and everyone starts cheering for me.
"Alright so y/n is in goal, in the back Lucy left, Ona right, Ingrid and Mapi center. In midfield Aitana left, Keira center and Patri right. Up front Caro left, Alexia center and Mariona right." Jona says.
We head out for warm up and as I stand up from my seat in the changing room too fast and the world spins for a second. I quickly grab my locker to try to stabilize myself and stop myself from toppling over. I blink several times to clear my vision of all the blurriness. I stand up straight and I open my eyes and a certain defender is looking at me funny.
"Are you okay?" Mapi asks me.
"Yea I'm good." I say shutting my eyes tightly and opening them again.
"Don't make me tell Ale. You look pale." Mapi says.
"I'm fine Mapi. Really. I'm from London it's not sunny there." I say. She looks at me one last time before we walk out to the pitch together.

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