Chapter 6 - Surprise

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Mini chapter before the match chapter versus Manchester United

Y/n's POV
Today is the day. It's my debut against United. I've been doing great in training. Only a little bruising left on my nose. I'm very anxious. Leah and I haven't acknowledged one another at all and I think it's for the best. I'll drag Tobin with me to Italy. I'll call her today and ask her if she wants to come. I'm making my cup of coffee when someone buzzes for my apartment.
"Hello?" I say.
"Y/nn do you think I would miss your debut!" I hear.
"TOBIN!" I say. Hitting the enter button. In about a minute I get a knock on my door. I open the door and Tobin is standing there with her suitcase.
"HOLY SHIT! It's you!" I say giving her a hug.
"Nice to see you too y/n. I missed you." She says.
"I missed you too. Where's Chris?" I ask.
"She's at home with the dogs. She's going to come with me next time." Tobin says.
"She better. I miss her too." I say.
"I know you so... you haven't eaten. You're anxious so I'm going to get us breakfast." Tobin says.
"Yup." I say. "I'm still trying to figure out what I want to wear."
"Don't overthink it! I'll be right back!" Tobs says.

Tobin's POV
I'm heading downstairs and I get in the elevator. The elevator stops and a blonde walks in.
"Tobin Heath?" I hear. I look at the blonde closely.
"Leah Williamson." I say. Y/n gushed about her a lot. Still does whenever we talk on the phone. She told me they haven't spoken and she stopped trying but damn y/nn is clearly in love.
"Y/n's best friend?" She asks.
"Yup that's me." I say. "I'm going to get breakfast want to come along?"
"Uh yea sure we can go to y/n's aunts diner." She says and I nod. We walk to the diner in silence. When we enter the little bell rings and I see y/n's aunt.
"Tobin!" She says coming up to me and giving me a hug. "It's so nice to see you. Now where is my niece?"
"Probably trying to sleep off her nerves, you know how she gets before games. Knowing y/n she's probably taken her anxiety meds to calm herself down before she gets a panic attack. I don't know how she managed to play the challenge cup with that anxiety attack that she had." I say and look over at Leah who seems shocked at finding out about y/n's anxiety.
"You're right, I'm assuming you've come to get her food to force her to eat something before the match." She says and I nod.
"Okay the usual?" She asks Leah and Leah nods.
Leah and I go to a booth and sit down.
"y/n has anxiety?" She asks almost sounding a bit worried.
"Yeah... it gets really bad sometimes and I've only seen two people calm her down." I say.
"Who if you don't mind me asking." She says.
"Her grandmother and Alex." I say. "She also has depression and tends to overthink, she doesn't let anyone in easily."
"Is y/n okay?" Leah asks a bit nervously.
"She's not at her best. She's actually freaking out over you." I say honestly because I can't see my best friend in love and hurting and the girl she likes being completely oblivious to the fact she confessed her feelings already.
"Huh why?" Leah asks.
"She let her guard down which is something y/n never does. She doesn't let anyone in except her grandmother and me sometimes. Also Alex when they were together. So you could say she has walls and she never likes to share her emotions and how she's feeling. She's really good at faking it and she can come off really closed off and cold." I say.
"She was never cold to me." Leah says making me chuckle.
"That's because she likes you Leah. A lot actually. To be honest I've never seen y/n look at someone the way she looks at you. There's a light and a sparkle in her eyes I have never seen before. Not even when she was with Alex. You melted her heart Leah and I can tell that she likes you a lot. Y/n was never romantic or sappy. With Alex yes she did the flowers and cute gifts but the way she talks about you is completely different than the way she talked about Alex. Y/n likes you and she told you and you've been avoiding her and it's taken a toll on her. She told me she's not going to let anyone in anymore because she doesn't want to get hurt again. Leah you need to show her that she can love and be loved again." I say.
"She calls me bella and cara." Leah says.
"Italian?! y/n never speaks Italian unless it's to her mother or grandmother. She really does like you Leah." y/n's aunt says walking up to us giving us our food.
"Talk to her please. I know you like her Leah." I say.
"I do... I'm just scared." She says.
"I can tell you that y/n, she's scared shitless because she's never felt this strongly about anyone ever before." I say.
"Come on Le go get your girl!" y/n's aunt says.
"I'll talk to her after the game." Leah says and I smile.
We get up and say goodbye to y/n's aunt and Leah and I walk back to the apartment complex. We talk more about y/n and from the way Leah talks about her I know she is falling in love with y/n as well because it's the way I talk about Chris. We get to the elevator and Leah's about to leave.
"Hey Leah! She's going to try to push you away but don't give up. She likes you but she's even more scared of getting hurt. Don't give up if she tells you to piss off." I say.
"Thank you Tobin." She says and waved at me. "See you at the game"

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