Contact, Contact!

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"Move up" Lieutenant Nikos barked, and the Kommandos began moving up, their weapons pointed forward, as the two grenadiers at the front forced the metal door open with a crowbar before they forced their way through.

Over there! Human-humans! Must kill-" The goblin was silenced by a .45 ACP round by Moah , shooting him in the head, as quick precise shots were used to dispatch roving goblins, all of whom seemed shocked at the volume of fire coming from the gatehouse.

Pushing through the streets, more goblins were encountered, some with sharptooths, others with Orcs leading them, all with deadly yet crude instruments of war, which did little to help them as they were swept aside by the swift accuracy of the large fire team moving through the streets.

"We've reached Point Alpha, proceeding with hostage rescue!" yelled Lieutenant Nikos, as the Kommandos rushed across the square, whilst the grenadiers laid down covering fire with their MP57s, while the Wotjek fired bursts of 5.7 at the enemy. 

After dispatching the goblins in the square, the kommando Platoon stacked up near the door. Inside, they could hear the goblins and the leading orcs rushing around in panic, shifting stuff around, whilst the heartbeat scanner one of Kommandos had managed to isolate the hostages, finding them to be at the back of the room.

"Standby to breach." said Lieutenant Nikos, as the kommandos with the breaching shotgun quickly moved up and prepared to fire at the hinges of the door. Behind them, the grenadiers kept firing at a unseen target, whilst outside, the sounds of an all-out struggle sounded, like a giant melee in the background.

"Breaching." Immediately, the shotgunner fired two rounds, one at each hinge, before Sergeant Adams kicked the door in, throwing in a flashbang while he was at it, before Corporal Velvet, with her shield rushed in, followed by her section.

Within seconds, the section shot their way through the stunned greenskins, before they rushed over to protect the hostages from the greenskins in the rear who were unaffected by the flashbang.

"This is a rescue, everyone stay down and remain calm!" Corporal velvet yelled, as the rest of the platoon  swarmed into the large room and began to fire at the remaining goblins, who swarmed down from upstairs, trying to stab the interlopers who were about to interrupt their meal, whilst the hostages ducked down and kept screaming in fear.

The fire team swept through the room, precise shots ringing out through the room, before yells were heard, confirming the inevitable.

"Left Clear!" Someone yelled

"Right clear!" Someone else yelled, as the entire first floor had effectively been cleared.

" First floor clear, moving up the stairs!" Yelled Lieutenant Nikos, as she ran up the stairs with her section, which was accompanied by the sounds of chattering gunfire, as they cleared the upper levels with their HKFN22s and E3000s.

" Building Clear, snipers, set up!" She yelled as Corporal Rosa ran to a window along with her Spotter. She saw Corporal Sally do the same, rushing to a window on the other side of the building with her spotter.

"Okay, we got a good spot here." She thought, as she smashed the windows apart, flipped the bipod and braces the rifle on the window sill.

Corporal Rosa looked through the scope of her JO2 .50 and locked onto a goblin pack leader who was trying to rally goblins to attack te retreating grenadiers and their attached Topan contingent, who had formed a shield wall quickly to cover the grenadiers.

"Target marked 300 metres." Said her Spotter, as she calibrated the rifle.

Quickly adjusting for wind, she took aim and fired, and was rewarded with a meaty explosion from the goblin pack leader's head exploding. The nearby goblins chattered and panicked, before being gunned down by the Kommandos on the first floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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