The Boss Fight No One Asked For

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"Fucking move, get to cover!" yelled an FSK trooper, as they got up and ran, all of them ran and slid behind pillars, all of them quickly reloaded, and then saw the boy swagger towards them with a posse of quite attractive women, at least as far as they could see.

"Shoot the bastard!" yelled one of the SAS troopers, as behind a pillar, a group of three SAS troopers turned their HKFN22s at the teenager.

"You heard him, smoke the Kurwa!" screamed a Polish GROM member,  and the rest of the team began shooting at him. Hauptmann Jaeger aimed his shotgun and fired up, sending buckshot up into an elf girl with a giant axe that killed her, as she fell over, groaning.

"You dare!" he screamed, as suddenly, a sandstorm filled the hallway. The sand blew into the visors of the men, who quickly ducked for cover behind the pillars, where the sand did not reach yet, wiped off the sand from their eyes and ducked behind the pillars, worriedly reloading as the tried to look out from behind their pillars. 

"Intel seriously fucked that up." yelled one of the GIGN Kommandos, as he looked out into the sand, trying to make out the outline of the enemy in the sand.

"Mierde! They are approaching us through the sand!" screamed the Kommando, as he fired his rifle into the sandstorm.

"Duck!" yelled a German GSG9 operator, firing his shotgun at a swordswoman who suddenly appeared out of the sand to take a slash at the GIGN operator who ducked. The sword wedged itself against the pillar, and then disappeared quickly as it came, leaving the GSG9 operator shooting into the sand, before they ducked back in.

"Stay behind the pillars, fire at will!" screamed Hauptmann Jaeger, as the Kommandos screamed their compliance, and ducked behind cover again. 

"This is Alpha leader to Charlie team, we need help, sniper fire on the boy who's making the sandstorm, now!'' yelled Major Alistair, firing his E3000 in the sand, and dodging as a spear woman nearly stabbed him. He tried to grab the spear, and received a cudgel to the helmet. He fell to the ground and had to be dragged to safety by a operative , while another fired desperately into the sand.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, shoot it!" Screamed one of the GROM Kommandos, as the four man team ran back, firing at what seemed to have been a sand golem, it hadn't lasted long under fire from the fireteam, but it's presence was still worrying.

"Mierda, help me!" Choked a GEO Kommando, as suddenly, he started levitating, and making a choking noise as one of the mages was probably trying to strangle him in a overly-dramatic fashion. One of the GIGN Kommandos threw a grenade into the sandstorm, and then the GEO Kommando fell back to the ground, as he grabbed his weapon and tried to massage his neck at the same time, hissing in pain. The Hauptmann looked down and saw his leg bent at a unnatural angle.

"Damnit, we have to get that bastard. Charlie team, pick targets and fire." said Hauptmann Jaeger, as the sniper team could hear the ongoing chaos in the audience room over the radio, while the command center looked at the inbuilt camera's footage in shock, having not expected that this sort of magic use was possible.

"Copy, firing for effect." said one of them , turning his Arctic warfare rifle at the boy.

There was the sharp report of the rifle, and the round struck the boy in the back of the head. However,  Instead of the boy slumping over and dying, the boy turned at them and sneered, and moments later, there was a loud whooshing sound, and something bright red glowing in the sandstorm in the direction of the tower.

"Team delta, move!" screamed major Alistair, as the snipers ran from the tower. Just as well, an explosion spell was casted at the place they once were. The top of the tower had all but vanished.

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