The Liberation of Gim

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Moments before the artillery bombardment

"When I say for you to get down, make sure you get down and keep your heads down, follow the European's lead, and you will make it out alive !" yelled General Nou, as he rode upon his griffon. The nearby elven state troops, alongside the other specialized units from the Ejei rangers and swordmasters of Kyrillia, nodded and roared their battle cries. Behind them, the Europeans were checking their rifles and weapons.

"Here we go, advancing now.' said a German trooper, as the infantry component, mostly elven state troops, alongside a few Europeans, slowly and steadily began to advance.

"They're sallying forth! They're bringing wyverns!" yelled a spear elf, as they saw the Lourian garrison sally forth, their shining armor and dust plumes would have intimidated all but the most disciplined force. The column temporarily faltered, at the sight as they were very well aware their training could not beat this large horde in front of them

"General, get ready. Once their wyverns are down, the bombardment will begin, so when the first wyvern dies, everyone will have to get down." said a German captain, as the general nodded, as overhead, the wyverns exploded, having run into the harriers launching AAMs at them before banking away, the AWACS aircraft having ensured the airspace was clear.

"Get down, get down! This is it!" yelled general Nou, as he ascended, while the entire column that had formed up into a row,  stopped for a moment before they followed the European lead of dolphin diving into the ground and covering their ears.

And it was just in time, for the loud explosions that wrecked the Lourian encampment were repeated, but this time, on the walls of Gim and the garrison that sallied forth. Some of them looked up and saw the death of the Lourian army, limbs and body parts flying up and some impacting near the front, where the grim Ejei rangers simply kept their heads down, while a good many of the spear levy began to look away, some gagging, as the bombardment stopped and the although, a good many managed to get back into the Fortress city of Gim.

"Bombardment over, move up and secure Gim with the Qua-Toynians." Said Colone Agembe, as the German major nodded, as he got up.

"Alright, on your feet, on your feet!" yelled General Nou, as his griffon descended, and the elves stood up, slightly stunned at how fast it was. But, regardless, they tried to remain as professional as they could, most quickly brushing dirt off their robes and armour. Arrows suddenly flew in their direction, and the spear elves and the Maihark marines brought up their shields and formed a shield wall quickly.

As they got up and recovered, the Gepards lumbered forward, turning their 35mm quad cannons down, and began to strafe the walls to discourage anyone from trying to scale the walls to fire on them, allowing them to form up unharmed. The fire was supported by a group of Leopard tanks, each loading and firing canister over the heads of the enemy archers, who had since decided to retreat instead.

"We advance, armour forward," said the German major, as two Warhounds grumbled forwards, followed by the Leopard squadron, where there were cries of "Load High explosive!", "Gun up!", as the tanks got ready to fight within urban environments.

"Stay behind the armour! It will be able to tank anything it throws at them" yelled a Danish major, as the elves began a steady march behind the tanks and armoured vehicles.

"This is Panzer-3, breaching walls." Said the commander of the lead tank, firing a shot that created a hole in the wall, and the tanks repeated that process and streamed through the walls, accompanied by the infantry. Moments later, the Warhounds breached the walls, gunners, with their fingers on the butterfly triggers of their machine guns, as the Ejei rangers crouched-walked ahead, aiming their crossbows warily in front of them. The tanks were followed by the spear elves in a shield wall formation, with archers standing closely behind, arrows nocked and ready to fire.

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