The First Meeting

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Maihark conference room

6th November 1639

1000 hours

"What are the plans to defend Gim ?" asked Prime minister Kanata, as the other ministers and dragon princes, and even a great eagle were sitting in the lotus conference room in Maihark. Although, due to his size, he was sitting outside the conference room and looking in through A hole in the roof. They had been gathered again, debating their plans to defend against the Lourians.

" Lord Galligius says his brothers are on the way, but the recent incursion by the giant bird has made the council worried, and thus most of the great eagles are staying in the aerie." said the giant eagle. Due to his size, he had to stand outside the room and speak through the window. Although the great eagles liked to see themselves as neutral, they knew that the Lourians would try to hunt them down for their feathers and skins, and thus they saw a convenient ally in the Qua-toynians

"Prince Pheneas and Princess Alina are mustering and will be at Ejei in a matter of weeks. When they get there, they will reinforce the garrison there. But Minister, I must strenuously contest defending Gim. we should use them to stall for time, maybe begin evacuating the town to Ejei?" said dragon Prince Limcal, first amongst the dragon princes.

"No, we can't afford to lose Gim, morale would be negatively impacted, and besides, if we go with your projections, Ejei will need time to gather the supplies for the siege, and Gim will have to buy that time." said minister Kanata, as a secretary opened the door.

"Sir, admiral Kierfan wants to see you." said the secretary, as the admiral of the Maihark naval fleet shoved his way into the room.

"Admiral, what is happening out there that you disrupt this conference?" asked Prince Limcal, as the great eagle looked at the commotion.

"Yes, Admiral, what is the meaning of this?" asked prime minister Kanata in a more calm voice.

"Prime ministers, various ministers, I apologise for the commotion, but a nation that calls themselves the European federation has come. They came in several ships so huge, they might as well be floating fortresses, they will be coming into Maihark soon, they just need your express approval to do it." said the admiral, as Kanata stood up.

"Alright, admiral, let them into Maihark harbour, I will meet them there." said the Minister.

"Well yes, sir, I will tell them that," he said, as he ran out of the conference room. Moments later, the conference room broke out into hushed arguments.

'European federation, who are these people?"

"If they were here, the dragons would have known who they were.' said the dragon prince.

"if the ship came from the South, they must be lying since no country is in that deep dark ocean! And our distant cousins would have seen something too." said the great eagle, refering to the great eagles who lived by the sea. Prime minister Knata let them buzz for a while before he raised his hands to call for peace.

"Alright, gentlemen, enough, much as I too, am suspicious about these Europeans, We must tread with caution. Already, we've had reports of the Lourians mustering forces by the border. Qua-Toyne barely has enough men to defend itself. Let alone Quila. We must not antagonize them too much. Let us meet them, quickly!" said Prime Minister Kanata, as they left the lotus conference room to Maihark port, escorted by the white tigers, a small tribe of wood elves who have traditionally been the guards of the prime minister.

Maihark harbour

6th November 


1100 hours

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