In parts Unknown

509 17 4

Esthirant, Parlpadia


0700 hours

"So, Lord Kaios, I give my report as stated, I could not broadcast it because apparently the Mana comm was being silenced by the Europeans, but, My point stands, that the King of Louria has been captured, and an interim government is being created as we speak." said the last observer from Parlpadia, who had only just managed to escape the European naval blockade by going a long roundabout route via the Quilian city of Santosa.

"Damn... so we failed after all." said a man with slightly greying hair. thinking of the next course of action for a moment, the director of the third civilization areas bureau stood up.

"Major, you shall return to your regiment, and never speak of this. " said Lord Kaios, as the observer nodded.

"Yes, my lord." said the observer, bowing as he left.

As the door closed he wondered what he would do next. Fortunately, the deals had been buried, and the wyverns he sent to Louria had been outdated no harm would have been done, especially considering the superiority of the wyvern sea lord and wyvern overlord. In fact, the wyvern overlord was being slowly phased out in favour of the wyvern despot. This would have entailed selective breeding and some magic, but it was still new stuff to him.

As he watched the fires consume the paperwork that approved the transfers of the wyvern overlords and the Parlpadian Colonels that were in charge of their training, his assistant came running in, and with a quick knock, she entered the room, gasping for breath.

"Sir Kaios, the Esthriant naval defence fleet has seen something come from the outer regions!" she said, as Lord Kaios simply shrugged, and walked back to a small table to grab a drink.

"Did they say whose fleet it was, Raita? I mean it could be the Qua-Toynian savages seeking to negotiate some kind of treaty," he said, as he poured himself a glass of water.

"No ... sir, it resembled Muan ships! They should be entering the harbour soon, you should go have a look," she said, as Kaios deliberated for a bit. Whoever it was, he could certainly use it to advance his career, as new relations that benefited the empire could make up for his recent shortfall in the Louria-Qua-Toyne war.

"Fine, let us be off," said Kaios, putting on an overcoat, and leaving the third region affairs headquarters and heading for Esthirant's main port.

Battlegroup Copenhagen

Ambassador George Godfrey was staring out at the ocean, as he considered what they were going to do next.

The scant few interactions they had with the Parlpadian observer indicated they were an arrogant lot, and that they believed in the idea of might makes right.

Hence, they decided to show them true might, in the form of a carrier group. Hopefully, the Parlpadians would take them seriously.

"Godfrey? Mon Dieu, it's you!" yelled a voice, as the ambassador turned around, and saw a platinum blond-haired woman walk over to where he was with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Hey, Corrine, how are you?" asked Ambassador Geoffery, as the former European Federation's ambassador to the North American Union walked up to him, smile on her face.

"Ehh... been worse, the Americans were boring, save for the occasional time they want us to mount search and destroy operations, nothing else, really.' she said, as she stood beside him.

"So... have you memorised what we're going to use?" he asked, as the ambassador nodded, ad quickly drew the content from her mind.

"Oui, from the economy, weapons systems, and that we are starting to establish other relations?" she said, as the ambassador nodded.

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