Onward to Gim

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15th January 1640

Brussels, Chancellor's palace


"So, admiral, how are the preparations?" asked Chancellor Norman, as the lord admiral began the presentation for their battle plan to finish the war.

"Carrier groups London and Copenhagen will leave by the end of the week, after finishing their replenishment, at the same time, enforcer battlegroup 14, who will be embarked will storm the castle and take the king, while simultaneously rescuing the hostages of the so-called eastern lords. For the specific landing operations, you will have to ask Commander Bankole. " said the admiral, as the Chancellor nodded.

"General, so we shall be using the Enforcer Corps to capture the Leader of the Lourians?" asked the Chancellor, as the general nodded from his headquarters in Paris

"Yes, my chancellor, the plan is simple. First, we lay down covering bombardment with the ships and Kestrels . In the ensuing distraction, our men will have a roughly thirty minute window to get in, capture the king, and then extract."

"Do we have any inside intel on the defenders?" asked general Battersby, from his headquarters at the Marlborough lines.

" My men have been inserted. They say they should be able to disable most of the palace staff, but they won't be able to disable many of the guards, especially the king's own." said the head of the European Central intelligence agency.

"Gavel, by disable, I hope you don't intend to lace their food with poison?" asked the Chancellor worriedly. 

"No, sir, the plan would be to make them sick, or a couple of knockout drops in their food . Also, we have a few tear gas grenades issued out to the strike team. We will try to reduce casualties as much as possible." said General Gavel.

"Alright, when can we expect their success?'

"They will leave by tomorrow, and the operation will start in four days, the twentieth of January, sir." supplied Lord Admiral Cunningham, as the Chancellor nodded.

"Alright generals, keep me updated. Oh, general Gavel, what is the status of the two subjects we picked up ?"

"Well, sir, everything else is in the file I sent, but, the gist of it is that apparently they were observers from a foreign power."

"Observers..." mumbled the Chancellor, as he looked through his documents, before finding the one sent by general Gavel.

"Alright , so, they are from a nearby empire, the Parlpadian empire. They seem to be a weird mix of Napoleonic France and Britain. Unfortunately, we cannot really establish their technology levels aside from the flintlock we recovered." said General Gavel, as the Chancellor read through the post boarding report.

The angry boarder reported that once they boarded the ship, one of the observers had shot one of them. While there were no lasting injuries, it had certainly wounded the pride of the Marine boarder. The attached photo had both of them in a cell, slightly bruised.

"Hmm, very well, we'll keep watch on them, but when we make contact, we should probably play their game?"

"Well, sir, that would be my professional opinion, sir."

"Alright, general, I will ask the admiral to send a fleet, or at least a squadron of destroyers, but let's get the war in Qua-Toyne settled first, eh?" said the general, as he looked at the general, who was currently in his office in Lyon.

"Yes Sir." said the general, before he logged off. He then started the next conference call.

"So, senator, what is the opinion of the senate so far?" asked the chancellor.

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