First contact in the New World

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European Federation Senate chambers, 


4th November 1639/2045

0300 hours

"All those in favour of the new emergency bill, raise your hand and say aye," said Senate leader Nathalie Portheau, as most of the council representatives raised their hands and said aye, thereby passing the motion for emergency powers to be granted to the senate for a year.

The hard times had called for hard measures, The army had come out in force, and general van de meer was now out and about, redeploying his European Guards divisions to help maintain law and order alongside the Police and territorial defence forces.The measure was segmented into different ministries, the European manpower ministry began to redeploy many people to help with farming at the hydroponics gardens all over Europe, the European internal Security department was recalling all their assets from around Europe and preparing them for potential counter-intelligence use, while also taking stock of the assets from other nations. The European intelligence command was likewise doing that, along with preparing agents for infiltration into other countries. The most drastic of all, the European Federated Army, was to help enforce martial law and prevent gatherings, enforce a dusk to dawn curfew, and provide security to the agriculture ministry's hydroponics farms and their rationing systems.

"Madam Senate leader, while I can understand that these measures are necessary, will these measures be maintained forever?" asked the representative from the Netherlands . He had voted for the measures but had to ask, just in case.

"No, senator, we are planning to roll these back once we can have a steady supply of food. At least the population won't grow thirsty, the reclaimed water plants that we placed in the Maghreb union, and in some of the industrial centres should be able to provide water, plus, the same could be said of the desalination plants. Likewise, the Solaris reactor provides us with plenty of power. At least we should be able to survive for now." said Senate Leader Portheau, as another senator raised his hand." For now? Does Chancellor Fitzgerald have a plan?" questions about the Chancellor's plan grew louder and louder, until the Senate leader raised her hand, calling for silence.

"We might have come across a nation which produces food, another that produces oil. we might be able to get aid from them if we modernise them.""The diplomatic mission is underway already?" asked the senator from Norway, as the senate leader shook her head."No, but we are contacting one of our diplomats, he will be on his way once we contact him.'God be with the diplomat, I suppose." said another senator, this one from Estonia, as the Senate adjourned.

Outer seas of Qua-Toyne

6th November 1639

0900 hours"Captain, somethings up ahead !" yelled a watchman, as captain Karnor looked up while grabbing a spyglass."Watchman, does it fly the flags of Louria or Parpaldia?" yelled the captain, as he then focused through the spyglass."Nor sir, in fact, it flies a flag I've never seen!" yelled the watchman, as he saw a blue flag with a lion and a wing of sorts.  

"Vice-captain, navigator, Repairman leader, sea guard commander, emergency meeting, now!" said the captain, as they convened rapidly in his cabin.

" That was an island? Wasn't it?" asked the repairman leader, as the navigator shook his head.

"No, there isn't an island here at all. We would have noticed that a long time ago." said the navigator."

No, it can't be an island, it's too angular, and it's a weird shade of grey. Islands do not come in that colour." said captain Karnor, as he tried to come to a decision.

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