Saving Elves

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Somewhere outside Gim

10th January 1640

1530 hours

Far away from home, the last survivors and stragglers from Gim marched on. The last convoy of refugees from Gim that had managed to escape the carnage had only stopped to warn a nearby village, before they left, now even slower than before due to the presence of the refugees from that village.

Save for the Convoy guards and the manacom operator, who had been injured and evacuated, everyone else in the convoy was either women, children, or elderly. None of them had any feasible chances of survival. As for refugee Parun, he remembered what his ailing mother had made him do years ago, before her untimely death from what the Europeans would have called CHolera.

"Protect your sister, remember, you are now the man of the family, when your father is gone, you will be the man of the house, remember, I will always be with you."

She closed her eyes and left to be in the embrace of the Sun Gods moments later.

"Brother, can we rest here? I am getting tired." groaned his sister, as she stopped and bent down, tired from carrying a giant pack. He and many of the other teenagers had been pressed into defending the front of the convoy, but if the Lourians got there, they really had no hope, for trained cavalry would beat their shovels and slingshots any day.

"Don't worry, Asha, we'll be there soon, just another hour more," he said reassuringly, as he helped adjust the pack to make it more comfortable for her to carry.

"We're almost there, we just got to -" A horn blasted, and someone screamed.

"THEY"RE HERE, THE LOURIANS, SCATTER AND RUN!" screamed someone from the rear, as a horn began to blare, and hoofbeats bore down on the helpless refugee convoy. The guards who turned around to fight were slaughtered to a man, as the calvary took advantage of the gaps and rode around and killed them.

"RUN!" someone screamed and the shocked convoy sprang to action, and made for the woods.

"Asha, we have to go now! Abandon the pack, run!" screamed Parun, as She dropped the bulky pack as fast as she could before both of them ran as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, for Red Eyed Jove, it seemed to be an easy fight. He was a member of the hawk knights, a cavalry group that particularly specialised in deep recon.

However, high command had particularly noted that almost every member of the Hawk knights had done prison time before for being murderers, some had questioned the use of criminals in the Lourian army, but high command kept them in.

After all, it would strike fear into the hearts of the Qua-Toynians, especially about the news of marauding scouts out to kill them.

And here he was now, having come across a group of refugees.

And why would he not take the time to stop and enjoy himself.

'Sound the horn, Charge!'' he screamed as a hawk knight blew on a horn. Moments later, they charged, a horde of at least seventy cavalry, all hardened criminals in for murder or mass robbery, charged.

"Oof!" Asha fell to the ground, having tripped on a rock. Immediately, Parun desperately tried to get her to get up.

But it was of no avail, after all, she was exhausted from the long march, and the sight of fifty horses bearing down on them had a terrifying effect.

"Get behind me!" he yelled, as he drew the sword he had, praying that he would be able to protect her.

"Oh sun gods, Please, we beg you to intercede and aid us! Star gods, send down your aid and help us! " cried Asha, as she remembered the tales of old that her mother used to say before she died.

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