The Aftermath

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Chancellor's palace


2100 hours

"It's over, the king is in custody, he will be brought to the Hague for trial." reported admiral Cunningham, as the chiefs of staff let out a breath of relief. They had been watching the live feed from the mounted cameras and, for a while, it seemed to be a close run thing.

"That was a close run thing though, when that 'hero' appeared, what the hell was with that guy's power?" said chancellor Norman, as he remembered seeing the men shooting at people appearing from the dust storm who attempted to kill them, whilst attempting not to panic as golems and moving things charged them, whilst

"Well, Doctor Schuller will be eager to meet him, and besides, our diplomatic connections might turn up some people with the expertise," said General Battersby, as he sighed at the thought of the paperwork. At least it was gentle as compared to Operation Nemesis or Operation Rear Guard.

"Well, the nearby continent... Uhm, Phillades, well, the ENS Copenhagen will be sent to initiate connections with the premier power, what is also known as the Parlpadian Empire, once the ENS Rome relieves the ENS Copenhagen, the ENS Copenhagen will proceed to Parlpadia and make contact, and eventually, emissaries will be sent to Fen and Gahara kingdoms on the same continent.

"Alright, send my commendations to the assault teams and to everyone who fought in the campaign." said the Chancellor, as everyone stood up and left the command centre in relief.

Louria, Jin Hark


General Patagene, court magician Yamirei and Prime minister Maus left the room, having been in negotiations with the Europeans for the creation of a new Constitution, and ironing out who would be the king.

As luck would have it, his first son had been studying in Parlpadia, and as such would return to hold the position of the king of Louria.

And now, there was a break for lunch before they would discuss what the reparations to Qua-Toyne would be.

The trio walked in silence for a while, as they passed by work crews attempting to buff out the damage, ranging from bullet holes to fallen pillars and missing walls due to the final fight outside the throne room.

"So, what happened to Minmel and the other guy, the summoned hero?"

"He is being questioned for crimes against humanity, and the summoned hero has been taken to somewhere called the Maghreb Union," said Prime minister Maus, who cheered internally at the thought.

"Well, good riddance to filth like the hero. Also, I heard something about the Europeans releasing Admiral Orcus?" said Yamirei, as General Patagene nodded.

"Well, yes, from what I heard, they will be releasing him and the fleet they captured. Not to mention, they fished Admiral Sharkun out of the water, and released what remained of the navy that they held prisoner."

"So, that leaves us with about a thousand five hundred ships? Oh well, at least we will be able to counter piracy threats for now."

"Yes, it should be easier, as the Qua-Toynians asked for stationing rights, and there will be a European airbase here, so our jobs of protecting the homeland will be much easier." said the general.

"Well, much as it pains me to see the Europeans do that, at least they will help us with economic growth. The advisor said something about entrepot trade?"

"Yeah, entrepot trade and manual labour. Who knows, we might even grow stronger than before," said Prime minister Maus, as the three of them made their way down to the banquet hall. where a familiar-looking man was holding a basket.

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