The Naval Battle of Rodenius (Part two)

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Minutes earlier.

"They're retreating! Onward! We will Kill it!" roared his second in command, and for the second time today, Admiral Orcus wished his subordinate would shut up. But he had a point. It was just one, and maybe they could swarm it through the backdoor to the citadel of the floating castle?

"All ahead full." said the admiral, as suddenly, the floating castle turned around, and was joined by ... fourteen of its kind. All grey and towering giants that floated. They were forming up in a line formation ahead of them.



"What the hell? How do they have that many floating castles?" yelled a sailor. Admiral Orcus could only sigh, and it was at this point, he was struck by a feeling, a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

His instincts were proven right, There were fifteen booms, which then coincided with fifteen explosions of the ships in the frontlines. The ships simply exploded and broke into two.

What took many workers to painstakingly build, was smashed, in mere seconds.

"Push onwards!" came the roar on the manacomm. As other ships surged forward, archers on the deck began priming their arrows while engineers began to load their trebuchets.

Within seconds, the fifteen ships fired again, claiming another seven in the inhumanly accurate barrage, courtesy of the Principles Air sea Command System (PASCOL) , which functioned like the AEGIS the Americans used. Both were similar in function, even if the PASCOL was based on the PAAMS of old.

In this case, the CNCs of the differing ships were sharing real time information, locking targets and efficiently smashing them to bits.

"Submarine squadron 12 is in position, awaiting orders." said the captain, as the three submarines stalked the fleet at close to periscope depth. Just like that, they had effectively closed the trapdoor without anyone noticing.

"Copy that Submarine squadron 12, don't surface yet, standby and prevent any hostile forces from leaving the AO." said Admiral Parkerson, as the orders were relayed to the captain of the Panache class submarines.

"Copy that. Holding at cruising level. " said the captain of the submarine, as the Panache class submarines quietly went back down to a cruising level , metres below the periscope depth.

Lourian fleet.

"We're losing ships by the boatload!" screamed his second in command, as Admiral Orcus could only see his ships exploding to the magic of the Europeans. He tried to focus as most of his subordinates ran around like headless chickens. He saw other ships try to close the distance, only to be shattered. One did get nearly get within reach of boarding the castle, only for a turret like thing to shred the exposed crew members

It seems that the Europeans had emphasised on quality over quantity, and that whatever they had far outweighed whatever their numbers and training could bring to bear. However, it seemed that his sheer weight of numbers were starting to show. They were closing the distance, bit by bit, and a flanking force was out to hit their rear ranks.

"Call for Wyvern support, now!" yelled Admiral Orcus, as his manacomm operator nodded.

" All ships, prepare to fire your ballista, imbue explosion magic , and wait for my command to fire! Archers, fire at will! "

"Yes sir!" came the reply, as archers began to fire their flaming arrows. Since it was a floating castle, they didn't expect that much damage would be done, except to kill anyone on the decks. Although, where was the crew? There were few in sight on the decks, and little for the archers to hit.

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