11. Windmills

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As you and the group closed the distance to the town, you felt the eerie aura of the crumbling city. Looking up at the various ran down buildings, you could see windmills and fallen rubble from what used to be a bustling city. Staring down at your boots, you noticed the dark red sand underneath them, making you realize where you were. You looked out into the distance behind you, taking note of how far the red sand led. 

"Interesting, this town is rolling without a plant," Wolfwood stated. 

"Look," Roberto responded whilst pointing up at the towering, at the metal windmills,"I don't think these folks needed a plant for power". 

"A windmill," Meryl whispered curiously. 

"Not milling," Wolfwood joked. 

You began to walk further into the town, allowing the four to bicker behind you about the windmills not moving. You looked at the empty buildings towering above you, the doors to all of the buildings unlocked and open. Walking around, one of the buildings caught your eye and its door was torn down. 

Grabbing the side of the door, you peaked into the building, realizing the building you entered was once a home. There was shattered glass scattered across the floor, along with broken pieces of furniture. You looked at the giant red flag hanging from the wall, the dust covering the symbol on it. You took the edges of the flag that reached the floor, and waved it hard to knock all of the dust off. 

Coughing and waving the dust away with your hands, you recognized the gold symbol engraved into the red cloth. The Eyes? Did they do this to the city? Taking a step back out the door, you realized the the Eyes used to have a base here, and knew there would be someone here working for them. 

"Dawn, where are you," Vash yelled. You peered over your shoulder and saw the blonde outlaw approaching another building with a giant wooden crate in front of it. The crate was covered in red sand and ripped cloth. Vash's hand dug into the dirt on top of the crate, and grabbed a piece of cloth. 

"Wait, Vash, don't tou-" you began to scream. The sound of sirens began to buzz and bullets started to fly, aiming at Vash. He dashed away, heavy bullets picking up sand as the missed him. 

Pulling out your handgun you aimed out to the opening between the buildings, hopefully for the target that would be running out after Vash. You kept your hands steady, feeling the ground shake as the steps got bigger. What monster?

"VASH. VASH THE STAMPEDE" a loud roar erupted right as it passed the opening your gun was aimed at. You fired off three shots into the arm of the giant beast, one of the bullet barely missing the edge of the metal helmet. 

You quickly jumped onto the piles of rubble, reaching patios on top of the buildings. Hoping from one metal strip to another, you kept up with the beast. You saw Meryl poking her head at out into the alley. Shit.

Picking up the pace, you jumped off one piece of the building down to the path. You jumped onto the back of the monster, grabbing his shoulders. The giant monster halted quickly, forcing your body over the top of his head. You landed on your back, groaning as you felt a metal nail dig into your spine. 

The ground began shaking steadily, the monster ahead of you making slow steps towards you. You looked behind you, seeing the remains of sand that had been kicked up by the group of four. 

"Wish-Keeper" it grumbled lightly. 

"Rollo", you whispered back. The giant roared once again, starting again after the group, kicking up sand into your hair. 

You flipped over onto your stomach, pushing yourself to run after the giant you had seen in the lab once before. You kept running until you saw Vash and Wolfdwood shooting at the giant in front of you. 

The Gunslinger's Gambit (Vash X Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu