4. Contract

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"Good evening, Wish-Keeper. Did you have a fun time hanging out with the Punisher" Zazie chimed with a giggle.

You flipped on the lights to the rest of your room and rolled your eyes,"I made sure he didn't see me, I don't necessarily think he would like knowing the Eyes put a spy on him".

"Yeah, funny you mention that-," Zazie started.

"-I'm actually here on behalf of the Eyes, well more specifically Legato".

Your eyebrows raised and lips tightened. You slowly walked out of the bathroom door towards the child, arms folded over each other across your chest. With the lights on, you could finally stare into the violet eyes that belonged to the creature sitting on the edge of your bed.

"What do you mean? I've been here all of a day, what could they possibly want now?" you sternly questioned.

Zazie giggled, bringing a hand over their mouth,"Your new job is to befriend the blonde outlaw".

Zazie's giggle turned into a loud laugh, falling backwards onto the bed and legs kicking up in the air. You knew what this new job was, you knew what this job meant for yourself.

If you bring in Vash, you could be set free of your devotion.

"You're lying Zazie," you stated, slowly walking to the edge of the bed, leaning down inches away from Zazie the Beast.

Zazie sat up and wiped a few tears from under their eyes. Zazie's face only a few inches from your own, the annoyance building in your expression.

Zazie slowly shifted backwards, further onto the bed and shifted their glance towards the blankets that covered the rest of the bed. Noticing the holsters on your bed, Zazie snagged one quickly and looked up at you.

"Woah, easy there Wish-Keeper, I'm just the messenger. I wouldn't lie about this, Legato would have my head. Your new assignment from the Eyes is to bring in Vash the Stampede". Zazie paused, sighing and looking down at the small handgun from the holster.

"I do, however, find it interesting you went to the bar without your weapon" Zazie snorted.

You looked down at your small handgun, wrapped in a tan grasp that belonged to the small beast in front of you. You uncrossed your arms and put your hand out in front of you.

"I didn't know the rules of this town's bar" you scolded.

"The Eyes understand both your contract and the Punisher's. I think they thought it would be entertaining to see who is more invested in completing the contract's obligations first" Zazie smirked.

Zazie put the handgun and its holster into your hand. You started to turn and step towards the mirror against the wall near the room's door. You wrapped the holster around itself, securely buckling it together again. You felt the leather between your fingers and slowly clipped your firearm in its place.

"It's just unlike you, Wish-Keeper, to go somewhere unarmed" Zazie stated.

"I never said I was unarmed, Zazie," you responded annoyingly,"now if that is all you have to say to me, I'd like to sleep in the bed your little worm ass is on". You quickly turned to face the beast with raised eyebrows and an arm pointing to the door that exited your bedroom.

Zazie huffed,"Have fun, loser. And one more thing, I'll be sure not to mention that you're the one that fixed the plant".

"Why you piece of-" you began to say.

Zazie's body turned into a swarm of green, glowing worms swarming above the bed. You watched as the green bugs slipped through the vent of the room and reached outside the window.

You ran your fingers through your hair, pacing back and forth in the room. You quickly stopped and looked back into the mirror, focusing in on the firearm attached to your left side. If I actually do it, will he set me free? No holds barred?

The back of your eyes started to sting as you interlaced your fingers behind your head. Pacing the room once again, your vision started going fuzzy and your feet felt numb. The Doctor, the Eyes...would they actually let me go?

Your skin feels hot, making the clothing you were wearing feel insufferable and prickly. Goddamnit, to hell with Eyes. You gazed down at the holster, and threw the holster onto the bed along with the jacket and tank top you had covering your torso.

You looked into the mirror seeing the scars that covered your body. You slouched your shoulders in annoyance at the way your scars had made you look. You slowly undid the belt around your waist, letting your black cargo pants come easily off your waist. Stepping out of them, you swiftly bent down to grab them, and began folding your clothes neatly on the edge of the bed.

Tomorrow is a new day.

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