6. Mercy

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Throwing his cigarette bud on the ground and digging the bottom of his shoe into the remains of the dart, the priest continued up the small steps of the little early morning breakfast shack. There were only a couple more people sitting in the small restaurant, and each one glanced up in your direction as the two of you found Vash at a small table close to the door.

You took the seat sitting across from Vash, the Punisher sitting in between you at the four person table. You looked around the small diner, taking in the wooden details and wanted posters hanging around the wall.

"What would this lovely group like on a fine morning?" the waitress asked.

You looked up not noticing when she even arrived at the table. You brought your hands to your chin, waiting for the boys to order.

"Ladies first," Vash leaned over and whispered.

You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and swallowed the nervous lump in your throat. I haven't had real food in forever.

"Can I please just have water and two stacks of pancakes," you asked politely.

"You may want to triple that order, ma'am," Wolfwood said, looking over at the blonde outlaw, who looked more excited about your order than you.

She smiled and walked away with the order. You looked down at your thumbs, mind racing on how you got yourself into this situation. Having a nice breakfast with the prey you're supposed to be hunting, that wasn't on my bingo card.

The three of you sat in silence until the waitress came back with the three waters, the water was sparkly and crystal clear. Your eyes widened at the sight, it had been a long time since you had seen water so fresh looking. You wrapped your fingers around the cool, glass cup and brought it closer to your body.

"You're looking at that cup like it's last glass of water on this sand ridden planet" Wolfwood joked.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just been a long time since I saw water so clear. I'm not from a town that had clean water to spare to those who weren't wealthy enough" you lied through your teeth.

Vash and Wolfwood looked at you in shock and then back at each other in confusion, shrugging before glancing back over at you. Vash went to put a consoling hand on your arm, and through your eye lashes you watched him try to comfort you.

As the skin from his hand reached the skin on your arm, sparks from the skin-to-skin contact started tingling. You moved your arm back as he moved his hand up.

"Damn, what was that for," you pouted.

"This might be hard to believe but I didn't mean to do that," Vash spoke lightly. You both looked at each other in confusion.

"Since you're here enjoying such a nice meal with us, it's about time you told us your name" Wolfwood blurted.

You looked over at Wolfwood, who was staring daggers into your soul. You shifted in your seat and glanced back over at Vash.

"I don't-" you started to whisper.

The doors to the diner swung open, townspeople and July military walking in and carefully scanning the room.

"There you are," declared the military men, drawing their guns.

"Shit" the three of you groaned.

"Take it outside boys," the waitress shouted aggressively.

You reached for the firearm hidden by your emerald jacket at the same time the Punisher reached to unhook the wrappings around his giant cross. Slowly standing up, you unlatched the gun from your hip, letting the gun sit freely in its cover.

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