9. Changing Humanity

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Your eyes shot open, pain rushing through your entire body. You saw the bright white lights hanging from the ceiling and the various wires connecting to different parts of your body started to sting again.

"Very well done, your progress is almost as remarkable as the Punisher," the Doctor stated. The Doctor said this a lot to you, it almost felt like you knew who the Punisher was.

You glanced over to the man in the lab coat, unable to turn your head and only able to shift your eyes. You saw the wrist straps the kept a strong hold on your arms and the small IV inserted in your veins.

"Can you release me now," you asked roughly. The Doctor looked down at you and sighed, flipping a switch that released the restraints around your arms, torso, and legs. The Doctor knew you wouldn't try to run, you already knew the consequences of trying and that included Knives.

"You know to wait for Master Knives," the Doctor stated. You crossed your legs over each other and rubbed the area around your ankles. Your body felt weak and sore, making you wince at the bruises around your body.

You heard the door close, signaling that the Doctor had finally left the room. You looked down at the wires in your arms, ripping each one out, one by one. You watched as the small skin heal where a needle mark was supposed to be. After watching them heal, you cracked your neck and stretched your arms out as you looked around the lab room. You had memorized every tracing and mark around the room, only noticing new blood splatters along the giant crossed-shaped lab table you sat on.

You brought your knees to your chest and held them there with your arms wrapped around them. Looking down at your bruised and cut legs, you buried your head into your arms. The pain in your sore arms made them shake, making the back of your eyes burn.

"Wake up," Knives spoke harshly. You picked your head up and erased any emotion that could've possible been on your face. You took one hand and pushed the hair in front of your face behind your ears. Knives liked you better this way.

"Get up off the table," he demanded. You slowly brought your knees from your chest and swung them over the table. As you pushed yourself up, your skin started to burn, making you wince in pain. You slowly walked over to Knives, rubbing the markings around your wrists. You kept your head down, avoiding eye contact with the platinum blonde that towered over you.

He wrapped his hand around your chin and forced your gaze into his. "There, there pretty girl, you know the rules. I thought you would know after these past couple of years". You dulled your expression and looked into the crystal blues that belonged to man in front of you. You grabbed his wrist and pulled it off your face, all while staring into his almost see through eyes.

"What do you want next, Knives" you spoke flatly. He laughed at your rebellious attitude and grabbed the collar of the white and blood stained gown. He lifted you up off the floor, just enough to where only your toes could barely touch. You watched as tentrils of blades spun around you. The blades began getting closer and closer to your body, spinning faster as they got closer.

The blades finally stopped spinning, still inching closer to your body as Knives' expression turned cold. "You have someone to kill, I know you won't let me down," he stated as coldly as his expression. One blade struck the side of your head, right behind your left ear, causing small cry leave your lips.

Growling through your teeth you whispered,"Give me a name". Knives's cold expression turned into a curious one as he let go of the gown's collar, making you stumble slightly backwards. You had played his games for months, after each and every experiment.

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