3. Buzz Off

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You found a comfortable seat at the bar top, at the best and only bar in the whole town. The small room was filled with tables and chairs, a stage for a live band that consisted of the same people from the little town, and the hightop you found yourself seated at. The band wasn't playing tonight, according to the conversations you've overheard, but the jukebox next to the bartender's alcohol cabinets was blaring music.

The flimsy doors to the saloon came swinging open, and everyone's attention was immediately on the man who sprinted through them. The local huffing and puffing, stabilizing themself by putting their hands on their knees.

"The plant got fixed!" the guy screamed.

Everyone began to yell in excitement, cheers could be heard from all across the sandy and barren land. You smiled a bit to yourself before looking over at the bartender to order a drink. He looked down at you and nodded after hearing your order.

You looked back over to the front of the saloon, waiting in anticipation to see if the two men would walk through those doors. You turned your head as you felt the bartender bring the drink you ordered to your little section of the hightops. As you grabbed the handle and brought the glass to your lips, the saloon doors swung open once more.

"Our saviors!" screamed the same local that ran in spreading the good news.

You chuckled before taking a swig of your beer, watching as the blonde walked in with one hand rubbing the back of his neck. The priest walked in behind him trying not to draw too much attention to himself. He already had a lit cigarette in his mouth.

Many of the townspeople began dragging the two into the bar, as they cheered on their new saviors. The boys were bought drinks and had their ears talked off by all those feeling grateful for their altruistic actions. You kept your back turned and focused on your next drink.

You felt a hand grab the back of your chair. You scoffed and turned your head to yell at the grunt who decided to get too close. When you looked up, you reached a pair of bright blue eyes covered by peach stained glasses staring back at you.

"I'm so sorry miss, I didn't mean to startle you" said the blonde in the red coat. His face was flush from all the free booze he was being served.

You rolled your eyes,"Yeah yeah whatever blondie, just watch yourself next time".

He laughed,"Hey ya' know my friend Wolfwood calls me blondie too, but he has other names for me. Let me call him over".

"No," you shouted,"I'm leaving the saloon, I don't want to bother your friend over there and make him miss out on all this excitement".

A small frown formed on the man's face as you started to pound the rest of the beer you had ordered.

"Well at least let me walk you back, a pretty lady such as yourself should never walk alone at night" he slurred.

You looked up at the man through your eyelashes, deciding whether you should let him near you for a moment longer.

"Hey Wolfwood, I'm walking this girl back to her place, so don't worry about me" the blondie shouted.

You flinched, knowing it was too late to silence the blonde. As you looked over to where he was shouting, you found the priest. You looked directly at him, making eye contact with me.

Oh shit, this is it. I've been caught already.

Wolfwood laughed and yelled across the bar,"Sounds good Needle-Noggin, have a great time".

You shuddered at his response and the level of drunk he had to be to not recognize you. The realization hit you, he's never seen me without my face mask. You turned to face the blonde once again, with a painted smile across your face. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and led the way out the saloon. Exiting the swinging doors, the tall blonde met up to your side.

"So what are you doing in a little town like this?" asked the blonde.

"I'm on a business trip," you responded fakely.

"What kind of busi-"

"If I'm going to let you walk me back to my room, I need to know your name," you said, cutting him off. The booze making you feel more confident, you stared into his gleaming eyes. He shook his head and lightly chuckled.

"I guess you're right. My name is Vash," he said shyly.

"Do you have a last name, Vash" you questioned, praying that this dope wouldn't be the one and only Humanoid Typhoon.

"Uh, well, I don't really have a last name. You may have heard of me, as Vash the Stampede" he said shakily, rubbing the back of his neck. 

You froze in place and slowly turned to check out the outlaw standing beside you. You tilted your head slightly, confused on how this big idiot was the master gunslinger himself and how the Punisher hasn't easily turned this man in yet.

"Well it's nice to meet you Vash," you whispered, letting the liquid courage take over your attitude.

You kept walking for a few seconds longer, noticing the doors to the inn you were staying at. You looked at the blonde outlaw, giving him a small smile. He looked down at you and smiled back. He placed his hand around your bicep, and kneeled down a little bit.

"Get some good rest, okay" Vash sweetly muttered.

You didn't like how good-natured and gentle he had been talking to you. You felt like you had to gag, or maybe that was the booze finally catching up to you. The halls of the inn didn't seem fuzzy, and the world wasn't spinning so you knew you weren't all that drunk. Then what was happening to you?

You ran into your room's bathroom and immediately turned on the lights. You decided to walk up to the bathroom sink, grabbing the edges of it as you searched every inch of your face and body. Your face was pink, but it was slowly fading away the more you inspected it.

Am I blushing?

You sighed, realizing that there was no imminent threat and the reason your face was red was because of the booze you had chugged so quickly. You loosened your grip on the edge of the bathroom sink and lightly pushed yourself away from the mirror. You flicked the light switch off and turned to face your bed in the dimly lit room. In your peripheral vision, you saw a dark shadow sitting on the edge of your bed.

Oh shit.

"Awh not going to enjoy a romantic entanglement with the one and only Humanoid Typhoon"

How did they get into the room?

"I figured you'd at least want to rile him up a bit, I know you humans like to play games like that" the hidden figure smirked.

"What do you want, Zazie the Beast?"

The Gunslinger's Gambit (Vash X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now