2. Wish-Keeper

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"They want me to go where?" you screamed angrily at Legato. He put a finger to his right ear, attempting to block the volume of your anger and kept one hand on the wheel of the electric car.

"Are they actually that fucking petty? They are going to make me go see that pathetic fool and sorry excuse of a man?" you kept screaming. With one huff and a punch to the side of the car door, Legato finally had enough.

"I'm just the messenger Wish-Keeper, and frankly, I would like to hear you bitch and moan about your mission to Master Knives," he shouted back, throwing his hand up in the air.

You looked at Legato pouting, arms crossed. You crossed one leg over the other and sunk into the passenger seat, getting into a comfortable position with a loud 'hmph'.  You stared out the window to see the dusky night sky filled with shades of purple, orange, and pink throughout the sky.

"I understand your hatred for the Punisher, and I understand your frustration for having to follow his progress" Legato began to say.

"I messed up one time and they gave me the worst mission ever. I have to watch over the Punisher, and they know how much I can't stand him" you yelled once again. The back of your eyes started to burn as you started to remember the past years of your life.

You won't have any purpose unless you're exactly like him.

"Just get me to Augusta. Do you have any clue where the Punisher is going to be" you asked Legato angrily.

"I'll tell  you the coordinates as soon as we reach Augusta" Legato said sternly.


You lifted your black mask over your nose and mouth, then placed a black pair of aviators over your eyes. You grabbed your two most important pieces of artillery, putting the small hand cannon on the side of your left hip and swung a bag carrying an automatic rifle over your shoulder. A long dark green combat jacket covered your body from the cold weather in No Man's Land's after hours.

What felt like you had been walking the desert for days on end, you saw the sun finally start to peak up as you came up on a small city. You squint your eyes to see that you had made it to a small city in the middle of nowhere. 

I hate sand.

You walked up to the small town's first inn. You caught a curious glance from the bellhop as you ordered a single room, never taking off your mask or glasses.

Once receiving the key to your room, you slowly walked your way down the hallways of the inn. You finally came across your room, sticking the key into the brown door to unlock your new bed for the rest of the night. Walking in, you saw a small bed in the middle of the room and a bathroom directly to the right of the door. There were small dressers on either side of the bed. You quickly shut and locked the door, preparing for the next days of travel.

After a couple hours of rest, you looked outside the small window that your room provided. The townspeople were all gathering outside, in the city square. You realized the sound of panicked people had woken you from your slumber.

You threw your dark green jacket over your shoulders once again, the curiosity getting the best of you. You walked outside of the inn to see what had caused so many people to gather outside the town's square.

"The well has dried up!"

"The plant has been dying and now the well is going dry because of it!"

You leaned up against the building, away from the streetlights to prevent people from noticing how out of place you looked. You reached into your pocket to find your pack of cigarettes and a lighter in the jacket's pocket. You took out one cigarette and used the lighter to ignite a small flame. Taking in one long drag of the cigarette, deciding whether to help or mind your business.

As you were about to take one step forward, you heard a yell coming from the opposite side of the wall you stayed so comfortable on.

"Please take me to your plant, I might be able to help fix it" screamed the blonde stranger. You took note of the blonde's height and unusually bright red coat he kept unzipped.

You smirked at the idea that the man could possibly be a plant engineer. You took another drag when you saw a dark haired man carrying a cross following behind him like a dog. You nearly choked on the smoke when you realized who you had found so easily, Punisher.

You backed more into the shadows, making sure to never lose sight of the priest and the man in the red coat. One of the townspeople volunteered and led the two boys through the small town to where the main plant was. Walking far behind the group, you stuck to walking against the cold building walls and their shadows.

You followed up until the three had reached a large building and entered the main gates. Finding a small vent that led into the building the two men had finally entered with the local. You scaled up the building and punched open the grill to the vent. Grabbing your small handgun from your hip, you began crawling into the small vent, following a small red hue and the voices of the men.

"Dammit Needle-Noggin, we were only supposed to charge the car here, not cause destruction in this town too" said the priest.

"Cmon Wolfwood, they need help and we were stopping by either way" said the tall blonde.

His name is Wolfwood. You chuckled at the thought, not realizing the vent had ended right to the room with the plant inside.

The plant was engulfed in orange liquid, not the usual blue hue you were used to seeing inside the base in July. You clicked your tongue in annoyance while watching the Punisher and the blonde man investigate the plant.

You sat up slightly in the vent, to watch the two men figure out the issue with the plant. Wolfwood pulled out a cigarette and lit the cigarette while the tall blonde looked at the bottom of the plant's encasing. His bright blue eyes ignited when he realized what was wrong with the plant.

"The plant's glass is broken" he stated nervously.

You knew that wasn't good, and you knew that this small town couldn't afford to fix the plant. The Punisher and the tall blonde looked at each other with a worried expression. You couldn't help but feel bad, and sighed.

If you're supposed to be like the Punisher, I guess you better start acting like him too.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You tried focusing on the crack in the glass, pursing your lips and bringing your hand up towards the plants case, you worked on fixing the glass through the vent. You imagined the cracked glass coming together, forming particles in the air to rebuild the splinter in the glass case.

The alarms within the room started blaring and lights started flashing red. Ignoring the blaring alarms, you continued welding the case shut. The blonde looked around in shock, running to the plant's control panel.

"What's going on blondie!" shouted the Punisher.

As they ran around in confusion, shouting at each other, you giggled to yourself while continuing to fix the plant's glass enclosure. You continued to weld the glass and watched the boys panic at the buzzing noises happening around them. Turning around, you quietly began to crawl out the vent, proud of your ability finally coming to use.

When you finally reached the end of the vent and hoped down from the vent's entrance, your head felt dizzy and lightheaded. You held one arm out to stabilize yourself and pressed one hand up against your forehead. Your vision became spotty as you continued to hobble down the small alleyways of the town.

That's what I get for using my abilities. God I need a drink.

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