8. As Swift as the Wind

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A small gasp escaped your lips as you jolted awake, quickly sitting up right from your nightmare. You looked out the windshield of the car noticing that the sun was setting right in front of you. The car isn't moving.

You realized that Meryl and Roberto were no longer sitting in the front seats of the car. You turned to your left, noticing that Wolfwood was no longer sitting next to you, causing you to panic. Slamming your hands down onto the seat leaning back to the position you had fallen asleep in.

You felt cold, smooth metal against your head. Looking to your right, you saw Vash smiling at you and realized you had fallen asleep against him.

"Vash," you whispered,"was I asleep like that for the whole ride".

The blonde chuckled lightly, a small blush across his face,"It isn't a big deal, really".

He looked down at his lap, following his gaze you realized you had placed your right hand in between his legs. You quickly moved your hand from the car seat between his legs, and looked back up at his flush expression.

"I'm so sorry, Vash," you began to say, a yawn interrupting your sentence. Vash leaned his back up against the door of the van, holding out a hand towards you.

"It looks like you need some more sleep," he whispered gently,"I promise I really didn't mind".

You hesitated before taking his aquamarine hand, letting him slowly pull you against him. You lightly put your head back onto his arm, the coolness of the metal sending a small shiver down your spine. You lifted your legs onto the rest of the carseats, bending your knees to not leave any boot marks on the other car door. You felt his body stretch upward as he put his right hand behind his head.

"Hey Vash," you began to ask.

"Yes, Dawn," he whispered sweetly, his breath hitting the top of your head.

"Where is Wolfwood, Meryl, and Roberto," you asked politely.

He took a deep breathe,"Don't worry, they set up a little camp outside. We figured stopping here would be better than driving into another town".

"You don't want to join them outside," you asked.

He patted the top of your head and whispered,"I didn't want to wake you up. For once, you looked so relaxed".

You smiled as you closed your eyes again, letting yourself start to drift into a peaceful slumber again.

"Ok wake up you two, it's time to eat," Wolfwood sang as he opened the car door you faced.

You jumped up, startled at the randomness of the priest. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes and yawned as Vash lifted his sunglasses up to do the same.

"Geez Wolfwood, you would be a damn good alarm clock," Vash said with a smile, his statement making you chuckle.

"Meryl is refusing to eat worm meat again, but something tells me you two aren't going to let it go to waste" Wolfwood announced with a smirk.

You slowly scooted over to the open door that Wolfwood was holding open with one hand, seeing the bright flames of the campfire a little bit of distance away. Your stomach started to growl at the smell of food.

Wolfwood looked at you with a small grin, holding out his other hand to help you out of the car. Something about food really does change this man. You took his hand and hopped out of the car, running towards an open spot around the giant campfire.

You heard the car doors slam behind you as you found yourself sitting down at the bonfire, watching the beautiful blaze burn. You watched the flame grow higher and higher as your excitement grew. The smell of the wood burning and the sound of it crackling felt comforting in the darkness of nightfall.

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