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Author's ([Sky]'s) Note: That's right, folks. Another "fun" chapter. The descriptions of things (such as beings/"creatures", wounds, etc (blood is mentioned multiple times)) within this chapter are mildly disturbing in nature. This chapter is named "Nightmares" for a reason. Be safe, and have a good one!

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{M} Nightmare POV:

"Yellow King, I think I heard something," a younger version of myself said somewhat fearfully, tugging on the king's sleeve for his attention.

"What did you hear, Yellow Apprentice?" the Yellow King asked gently, his gaze meeting the Yellow Apprentice's before darting around as his hand met the hilt of his sheathed sword.

"I thought I heard footsteps and whispers..."

I found myself floating invisibly above the familiar scene. You did. It wasn't your imagination. Run, Sandstone, run! Flee with your king while you still can!

"Elites! Did you hear anything?" the Yellow King called out to the guards around and in front of them.

All of the Yellow Elites exchanged glances before shaking their heads no. "I think there might be a migrating wolf pack in the area," one of them replied. "I believe there were reports of missing sheep in the Eastern Yellow Village."

"Ah, I see. Nothing to fear, my Apprentice!" the Yellow King smiled fondly at Sandstone, the younger me. He had to look down due to being taller than most Steves.

The group of Yellow Steves continued their journey through the forest. 'Nothing to fear'... Oh, my king, how you couldn't be more wrong... I tried to grab the Yellow King's arm and stop him, but my hand phased through it. That's right, Sandstone. Just like before, there's nothing you can do, a voice unfamiliar to me spoke, sending a chill up my spine.

The gaps between the trees became smaller as the foliage increased. An Elite moved calmly ahead, just out of sight as he went over the crest of the hill the forest rested upon. He was likely scouting for signs of a wolf pack in case it proved a problem. This is where it began, I trembled, unwilling to watch but unable to look away.

It was his screams that told us we had been too late. They cut off as abruptly as they started, and the Elites suddenly formed a tight circle of protection around the Yellow King and his Apprentice. Me. All that time ago... So recent yet so far...

The Elite closest to my younger self spoke up. "Yellow King, perhaps we should-"

He was cut off as a wave of pitch black terror consumed him, his own screams starting quickly and ending quicker. In fear, the Yellow Elites struck out with as much energy as they could, the deep sound of rolling thunder filling my ears. And then we saw it again.

A blur of shadow and eyes; people, yet no one. An indescribable amalgamation beyond sane comprehension. The Darkness. It surrounded them—us—with a hunger for destruction and death greater than I had ever heard of or seen. Channeling the Yellow Crystal, the Yellow King blasted a path through the horrors before handing it to his Yellow Apprentice.

"Go, Sandstone! I'll catch up! Get as far as you can and teleport to the kingdom!!"

Terrified and confused, the younger me sprinted, boosted by the strength of the Yellow Crystal in his hands. He tripped and stumbled his way through the forest on panicked legs, beginning to lose his normally astute sense of direction. He promised himself he wouldn't look back, but he heard a familiar cry. He glanced back to see the Yellow King, surrounded and consumed, not far behind the Yellow Apprentice. The Yellow King's hand was reaching toward my younger self, and he cried an apologetic tear before being swallowed by the shadows.

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