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{M} Yellow Apprentice POV:

"And that reason is...?" I heard M, the Red Apprentice, finally speak up, his piercing gaze meeting mine.

"They wished for their identities to be unknown to others," the Nightmare King responded, his voice and gaze ever unwavering.

"And you listened to them?!" the Indigo Leader demanded furiously.

"Well of course. It was the least I could do to repay what they've done."

The room went silent, glances being passed back and forth. They don't know? Did they never ask what happened... that day? I glanced at each of the leaders, finding that they were uncertain of what he was saying.

"Of course, none of you would know what they've done, would you? None of you cared to ask about the Yellow King, after all." There was something bitter in his words, something deeper I hadn't noticed before.

"You mean... when he...?" the Green Leader started, unable, it seems, to finish his words.

"Yes. When the darkness came. Can any of you tell me how I alone survived? How his elites, his strongest, even the Yellow Leader himself, did not prevail?"

The room was silent. Each leader seemed to have a look of guilt on their face.

"I would have been consumed if not for these two individuals. These would not just be scars, but full, open wounds, leeching at my mind," the Nightmare King seemed bitter as he gestured to his scars of darkness. "Heeding to their wish of secrecy was no small feat, and to this day, I believe I am ever in their debt. They are the ones that came to my aid, not any of you!"

The leaders seemed to shrink ever-so-slightly as he spoke. There was not only guilt in their eyes, but fear. Do they seriously think he'll hurt them? I don't know how these Steves became leaders, so afraid of their own kind. I looked to M. At least he doesn't seem afraid. I guess that's what led me to meet him in the first place...

"Is that why you trust them more than your own kind...? These- these things...? You've known us all for the entirety of your life, but you trust these two strangers because of one act of helpfulness?"

All eyes turned to the speaker- the Red Leader.

"I understand that we did not help you, but surely you can't blame us. At the time we were unaware of what was occurring, and the two strangers obviously came on coincidence. You have the right to trust and believe in who you wish, but you must not let one singular occurrence get in the way of reason," the Red Leader continued evenly.

"But-... But it isn't just one occurrence..." a quiet voice spoke up. The Blue Leader. "I can vouch for them- they save the World Beyond when none of you even tried to help. I don't agree with the fact that they were to be hidden from us, but I can't deny that they are trustworthy and true."

"If they're so 'trustworthy', then why hide their identities at all?" the Orange Leader questioned.

"To be fair, we assumed that all of the Steves would freak out if we were known. And, it seems we were right, according to how you've all been acting," Sky spoke up boldly, her eyes meeting the Orange Leader's with ease. "So, yeah."

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