Calm Down...

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{F} Sky POV:

"S-stop! Explain what's happening at once!!" the Green Leader demanded, slight desperation edging his words.

It took every ounce of restraint within me to stop myself and look at him. I could feel the rage and adrenaline surging through my blood like a harsh fire. Every muscle in my body screamed at me to swing my sword at the Indigo Leader, but, with great difficulty, I held myself back. I decided that I would possibly be held accountable for fighting the Indigo Leader for as long as the Green Leader was here as a witness. I will get my revenge, though, and no one will get in my way. I'll teach him to never mess with my king.

"Green Leader..." the Nightmare King greeted him weakly.

I flinched at the pain in his voice. That's your fault, you stupid blueberry. I glared at the Indigo Leader.

"It seems", the Nightmare King continued, "there's been a... disagreement between the Indigo Leader and I."

Well that's putting it lightly, I thought to myself bitterly. He just tried to kill you! Aren't you going to say that?!

The Green Leader seemed unconvinced as he glanced nervously between the Indigo Leader and my king. "I'm not sure 'disagreement' is the right word..."

"More so there's been false accusations," the Indigo Leader said boldly.

I was about to smack him with the hilt of my sword, but thought better of it. Instead, I spoke sharply as I glared at him. "Shut up, you so-called leader. Last time I checked, good leaders don't force their people to spy on others."

Indigo Leader returned the glare, but didn't speak; it seems he thought better than to fight back, seeing as his sword was still stuck in the floorboards a block or so away. The Green Leader, however, seemed astonished by my words.

"What is this you speak of, Yellow Elite?" he questioned, though it wasn't in a demanding way; it seemed he, too, was cautious of the sword in my hands.

"A plot we discovered..." the Nightmare King answered, still sounding weak.

I gave a quick glance behind me- or, at least, that's what I had intended to do. However, once I laid my eyes on my king, I couldn't look away. He had a large, gruesome gash from his lower stomach to the leftward side of the bottom of his ribcage. He was hurt worse than I thought, I worried to myself with dismay.

Finally finding the will to look away, I whipped my head once more to face the Indigo Leader, my hatred building once more. He's the one who did it. He's the one who hurt the Nightmare King. He's the one who will suffer. I took another step towards him.

Suddenly, a hand caught my arm, stopping me. I turned my head sharply to see who it was, and found it was Sabre. Although I couldn't see his eyes, I felt as though I could see their expression. He seemed concerned, and, quite possibly, afraid.

"You need to stop..." he murmured into my ear. "This isn't like you..."

The realization hit me hard. He was right. This wasn't like me. So then, why do I feel this way, feel this hatred so strongly? The only answer I had terrified me. I felt a shiver run down my spine, felt my eyes widen with horror. Could it be..?!

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