Only A Moment

68 4 7

Author's ([Sky's]) Note: This is a "fun" chapter. It includes mild descriptions of scarring, wounds, and/or blood. Read at your own risk, and stay safe.

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{M} Clumsy POV:

As we made our way through the back streets of the Red Kingdom that are often unoccupied, I began to question where we were headed. After all, the only thing this way were a few abandoned houses and the Professor's lab. But surely we wouldn't...

Much to my masked dismay, we soon arrived at the lab, entering and beginning our descent down the winding staircase. Just as we reached the bottom, however, a nervous guard rushed down the stairs from above, looking uncertain.

"Hypno King, the- the other leaders are here. The Red Apprentice is with them. We don't know what they want, but they brought their weapons..."

Hypno King scoffed in response, his lips curving upwards into a wicked smile. "Well, I dare say they took their time. They're more than likely headed to the building I used to reside in. I suppose we should meet them there, don't you, Clumsy?"

My mind began racing with thoughts as I stammered, "Of- of course, Your Majesty."

My nerves were jittery yet numb as my heart raced while we made our way back up the stairs and out of the lab. Taking other back streets, we progressed towards the Red Leader's—er, Hypno King's—house. Sky's hands were still tied in front of her by makeshift handcuffs that were actually just a lead. Although absentmindedly, I was still tensely gripping the end of the lead with one hand. Being able to fidget and crush something in my hand was the only comfort I could find, the only thing stopping me from outwardly panicking and tripping on my face.

The closer we got to the house, the more voices I could hear. I recognized most of them to be the Red Steves that often moved about the main square of the Red Kingdom, usually chatting with the merchants of the other kingdoms about new books or, more recently, discussing what the non-Steves looked and sounded like. Based on the conversations I had overheard the last few days, most Steves were just plain wrong in their guesses. After all, Sky looked nothing like what any of us had imagined. Which is good, considering many of the rumors are... disturbing.

It was in a moment of sudden silence in the square that I suddenly realized many of the civilians were not aware of what had taken place the last few days. None knew of what the Professor had done to the Yellow Apprentice, none knew of the Red Leader's change of name and appearance, and certainly none of them knew of Sky's presence in the Red Kingdom. And the leaders showing up will only further confuse them... Much to my worries, we began to pass the Red Leader's house and make our way towards the square. This isn't going to end well...


{M} Orange Leader POV:

As we entered the main square of the Red Kingdom, all of the civilian Red Steves quieted, staring at us in curiosity. A few looked concerned, likely due to the fact that we each held our respective leader weapons at our sides, but we somehow had yet to cause a panic. Despite having made our way through a majority of the Red Kingdom and even into the heart of it, I had the worrying realization that I hadn't seen any guards or other notable authorities at all. Something isn't right here...

I finally stopped when we reached the center of the square, the other leaders coming to a stop behind me. Despite the strategizing we had done, our formation looked more like a cluster or splatter of paint than solidified positions. Ignoring this slight error, I glanced around the square from where I stood, surveying the area for potential escape routes in case the situation got dicey. The last thing we need is more innocent people getting hurt...

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