The Yellow Elites

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{M} Nightmare POV:

The three elites, in their full-body yellow armor, bowed as they entered, the messenger just behind them. I gave the messenger and normal guards a nod, and they quickly left the room, closing the double-doors of my chamber behind them. All that were left in the room, besides myself, were my elites.

"You called for us, Your Majesty?" one of them asked, taking off their helmet to reveal the face of the Yellow Apprentice- the next in line for the throne.

"Yes, my elites. I have received news from the Blue Leader that the World Beyond has been infiltrated by the darkness." The other two guards shared a knowing glance before I continued. "Do you believe that, with the power of the Yellow Crystal on your side, you could do what you did before, but in a wider radius?"

"I can't be certain, but it's worth a try. I mean, we can't just leave them hanging, after all," one of the two with helmets on spoke.

I saw the Yellow Apprentice cringe at how informal the other elite who spoke was, and he shot them a nervous glance. I, however, was as amused as always by the only person who seemed to not fear me. The only person who could look me in the eyes without stiffening.

"Are you really sure you can do it, though? Last time you didn't know what you were doing..." the other guard with the helmet on asked, concern edging their voice.

"We both witnessed first hand what your fellow elite can do, Sabre. I, for one, fully trust in their abilities," I intervened, thinking thoughtfully of when I first met the two with helmets on.

The elite who was concerned hesitated for a moment before speaking. "With all respect, Your Majesty, what she did before was with only one Steve, and only a half-dozen or so dark entities."

The other elite sighed, taking off their helmet to reveal a calming, green and blue-green gaze. Her long, brown hair was in a bun, its lighter tips slightly visible. "Sabre, look at me. I can do this."

The elite with the helmet on stared at her for a moment, then sighed. "...You're right, Sky. I shouldn't doubt you."

"So then, my elites, are you prepared to accompany the Blue Leader to the World Beyond?" I asked them, eyeing each one.

"Yes, my King!" Sky responded enthusiastically, bowing. The other two echoed her words.

"Good." I opened a drawer to my desk, then, unlocking a safe inside, took out the Yellow Crystal. "You will need this. Hopefully it shall increase your powers," I said, handing the Yellow Crystal to Sky. I waved the three of them off, and, putting their helmets back on, they left my chambers. They shall succeed- our futures depend on it.

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