An Astonishing Scene

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{M} Green Leader POV:

To think that a disaster such as what had occurred could happen was unimaginable, and yet it had still happened. The scene had replayed in my mind many times, and each time I was torn by grief just as strong as when it had actually happened. Each time I thought of the Green Apprentice's fate, I was almost brought to tears. You must be strong for your people... They have to know that everything is safe and under control, I continuously told myself. Still... I can't ignore the urge to speak with the Indigo Leader. I have to know his fate, and that he went on without grief himself.

By this time I had just entered the Middle World. As the thunder from my arrival faded, I approached the door of the Indigo Leader's house. Just as I was about to knock, however, I heard the sharp sounds of metal against metal from inside. Pushing my current mission aside, I opened the door with haste, not quite sure what to expect to find. However, I would never have thought I would witness the scene before me.

An Indigo Steve stood off to the side, slightly cowering. The Indigo Leader was standing sword-against-sword with one of two Yellow Elites in the room. The Nightmare King was there, and, to my horror, looked terribly injured. The other Yellow Elite, somewhat frantically, pulled out their sword, keeping between the Nightmare King and the battle of swords between the other Yellow Elite and the Indigo Leader. As the door creaked open, all eyes turned to me; that is, all eyes but the one of the Yellow Elite fighting the Indigo Leader.

"W-what in the world is happening here?!" I demanded, astonished by the scene.

The Indigo Leader, stunned by my abrupt entrance, became unfocused on the clash of swords. The Yellow Elite he was fighting took this advantage, and forced their way forward. The Indigo Leader's sword was flung away with relative ease, and became lodged into the wood-plank floorboards. As his sword did so, he stumbled backwards, regaining his footing a few blocks away from where he had just been. The Yellow Elite, however, didn't seem to be done. They stepped closer to the Indigo Leader, their sword grasped firmly in their hands. There was a fury to their steps that appeared, to me, to control them.

"S-stop! Explain what's happening at once!!" I stammered, hoping to grab the Yellow Elite's attention.

To my relief, it worked. The Yellow Elite stopped in their tracks, turning their head towards me, though their sword still remained firmly grasped, pointed at the Indigo Leader. I could just make out their eyes from under their visor, and, just as I had thought, they were filled with rage. They seemed as sharp and threatening as the sword the Yellow Elite held.

"Green Leader..." the Nightmare King greeted me somewhat weakly, wincing slightly as he spoke. "It seems there's been a... disagreement between the Indigo Leader and I."

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