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{M} Nightmare POV:

I startled as lightning crashed suddenly in my room, nearly spilling ink on the paperwork in front of me. It was rare for me to be caught off guard, but I never expected anyone to teleport directly to my room. When I saw my Elites and the Blue Leader, however, I understood what was happening. One of the Elites, Sky, was missing her armor. Elites are required to keep their identity secret, so teleporting directly to me was the safest choice.

"Nightmare King, what is the meaning of this!" the Blue Leader demanded, his fear from before seeming quite far away.

"The meaning of what?" I asked cooly, looking him straight in the eyes.

"You've hidden a- a thing from all of the Leaders, all of the Steves! This- this non-Steve shouldn't be here! Why were we not informed?" The Blue Leader seemed infuriated, which would have been an annoyance if it weren't so refreshing. Finally, another who speaks to me as an equal... Or at least close to.

"My Elites are my business, Blue Leader. I have done no wrong in keeping their identities secret. It is required for them to be known by no one- at least, not personally. They are known only as 'Yellow Elite', and that is final."

"Don't bring requirements into this, Nightmare King. The people, especially the leaders, have a right to know that there are strangers among them!" the Blue Leader fumed. "I am grateful for what you have done for my people, but this secret is unacceptable. What will the other leaders think when they find out that you've hidden a strange being from them?"

"Beings. There are two," I corrected him. I decided that if he knows of Sky, then there is no point in hiding Sabre. Being hidden from one after discovering the other would only further his anger.

"..." The Blue Leader stared at me in disbelief, then glanced at the other two Elites fearfully. "T-two?"

All three Yellow Elites had remained silent through this entire conversation, occasionally sharing glances. Sky seemed flustered, as she was part of the main topic of this exchange, and was currently putting her hair back up into a bun. Suddenly, one of the Elites sighed, slowly taking off their helmet. His hair was similar in color to Sky's, though considerably shorter, and his skin and ears were nearly identical to her's. However, what stood out the most was the blindfold he wore, making it impossible to see his eyes.

The Blue Leader stared at the two non-Steves with wide eyes, clearly unsure of what to do. "How long have you hidden their existence from us...?" he asked quietly, the discovery seeming to overwhelm him.

"He didn't hide us, Blue Leader. We hid ourselves," Sky finally spoke up, meeting the Blue Leader's gaze determinedly. "We found out pretty quickly that Steves don't really handle the knowledge that other people exist. And you've kinda just proven that..."

The Blue Leader remained silent, looking at each person until he finally spoke.

"So then... Are we to tell the other leaders?"

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