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({M}ale) Nightmare POV:

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, but someone has come, asking to speak with you. They say it's urgent."

I looked up from my paperwork to acknowledge the Yellow Steve who had entered my chambers. "Who is it?" I asked him, looking back down at the papers stacked on my desk.

"The Blue Leader."

My gaze whipped up to meet that of the Yellow Steves. "Blue Leader? This must be urgent then. He rarely leaves the World Beyond..."

The Yellow Steve hesitated, then asked, "Shall I get him, then, Your Majesty?"

The moment I nodded, the Yellow Steve scurried off. I guess I'll have to finish up this paperwork another time... I thought to myself with disdain. How inconvenient.

It was only minutes later that the Yellow Steve I had sent off came back, the Blue Leader just behind him. The Yellow Steve gave a quick bow, then allowed the Blue Leader to enter. I noted to myself that he looked nervous and desperate. There's no doubt about it- what he has to say is clearly urgent.

"Greetings, Blue Leader. My messenger told me you have urgent news."

The Blue Leader seemed reluctant. His hesitation was not unexpected, of course. Any who speak to me have had the same reaction. I am not blind to my scars of darkness, unlike what some seem to think. The darkness may have changed me, but that change strengthened me. I now know better than to underestimate even the smallest of problems.

"Y-yes..." Blue Leader responded at last, his voice cutting through the silence. "Darkness has infiltrated the World Beyond." When I didn't respond, he took it as an invitation to continue speaking. "I told the other leaders... but..."

"They didn't want to help," I finished his words for him. He gave a small nod. "So, then, care to tell me why they refused to help?"

"...They said that if they sent any of their Steves to help, they would risk bringing the darkness to their own kingdoms. They all believed they would be able to protect themselves if the darkness leaked farther, now that they have time to prepare. But none of them are willing to assist my people..."

I gave an angered sigh, and I noticed that the Blue Leader flinched. "The other leaders have let their pride cloud their judgment. Do not worry, Blue Leader. I, of all people, understand the severity of the situation. I will send my elite with the Yellow Crystal to help."

The Blue Leader finally seemed to relax. "Thank you, Nightmare King."

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