We All Need To Relax...

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{M} Sabre POV:

Sky's eyes widened with horror, and she wrenched her arm out of my grasp. I was caught off guard by her reaction, and stiffened, unmoving as she took a few steps back from everyone in the room- even the Indigo Leader. She seemed frantic and panicky as she glanced around the room hastily. What- what is she doing? Why is she freaking out like this? Something felt very, very wrong.

"...Sky?" I murmured softly. I was still close enough to her where I could speak quietly enough for only her to hear.

She met my gaze; or, more accurately, her eyes locked onto my blindfold. It still felt as though she were staring into my eyes, though. There was a terrified, intense look to them that was incredibly unlike Sky. The only thing I know Sky is afraid of is closed spaces, but this room is really spacious... I pondered. What could she possibly be so afraid of...?

Suddenly, without warning, Sky ran past me. She bolted to the door with an immense speed, rushing past the Green Leader. Even though he was practically in the doorway, Sky seemed to unusually fixate on making no contact with him; she managed to run past him outside the house without colliding with him.

"What the- Where are you-?!" I tried to call after her, but I couldn't find the right words.

I was going to follow her to see where she was running off to, but I decided that Sky wouldn't want that. Despite whatever was going on with her, I knew she'd want one of us to stay with the Nightmare King- especially in his current condition... I added to myself with worry.

Glancing around the room, I saw that everyone was as astonished as I was; that is, everyone but the Nightmare King. While the Green and Indigo Leader, along with the Indigo Steve we had brought with us, were staring at the doorway Sky had just bolted through, the Nightmare King seemed... distracted? His face was set in a dark, knowing expression that I didn't understand, though his eyes were flecked by the pain he was trying to repress. That, I did understand. He doesn't want the Indigo Leader to know how much damage he's actually done... Is that because of his pride, his wisdom, or his anger, though? Could it be all three? Either way, this won't end well if he doesn't acknowledge how badly hurt he is...

"Green Leader?" I try to get the attention of the pickle-colored Steve.

He reluctantly tears his eyes away from the doorway and looks to me with a questioning expression. "Yes, Yellow Elite?"

I glanced nervously at the Indigo Leader, then quickly made a plan. This should hopefully work out just fine. Sky's always been better at making quick plans, though... Welp, here I go.

Going back to the Nightmare King, who was a mere two blocks away, I supported him as I turned back to face the Green Leader. "I know you wanted answers... But could that perhaps wait until we have a more... stable environment?" I make sure to hint at the Nightmare King's injury very subtly so that he doesn't get annoyed; though, I'm not sure if that would actually happen. Sky and the Yellow Apprentice have always known the King better than I... I guess that's what happens when you don't connect with others easily...

He looked to me, glanced at the Nightmare King, then nodded. Completely ignoring the Indigo Leader, he gestured for us to follow him. Though the Nightmare King was somewhat hesitant, he allowed us to follow the Green Leader, and soon we were out of the house. Wow. We're basically just acting like this whole fiasco never happened... I almost laughed to myself at the thought. We all move on from things so quickly. We were soon enveloped by lightning as we teleported.

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