Oh Boy...

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({F}emale) Sky POV:

"That was... powerful. Way more powerful than I think any of us were expecting," Sabre spoke, surprised.

I felt the same, but he seemed, as I'm sure the Nightmare King would say, puzzled, while I was more so exhilarated. It made me think of how I'd feel when I'd decide to be a couch potato and snack a lot. A sugar rush, in a way. I just hoped I wouldn't get a sugar crash.

"You can say that again," I responded, unable to stop a smile. I know that as an Elite I'm supposed to be, like, dead serious or something, but eh. I'll leave being boring and serious to the Yellow Apprentice. And Sabre, but at least he makes dumb jokes or references every once in a while- something only the two of us would get. It's kind of hard to say random things around Steves when they've never even heard of half the stuff. Like saying that they're "on a roll". They've never seen wheels. Or circles, for that matter. Everything but people, animals, and most plants are squares. But at least it makes for interesting scenery.

That's when I realized that the Blue Leader was staring at me. And I mean staring. He looked so shocked, you'd think he'd just seen a perfect circle in a square world.

"What. Was. That," he demanded again, his gaze mixed with emotions. It kind of reminded me of fruit in a blender. Mixed and matched in shredded pieces.

"Uhm... A magic trick? Tah dah..." I half-heartedly did jazz hands, realizing that I kind of compromised myself. Oh boy... This is gonna be fun explaining to the Blue Leader and the rest of the Leaders. And probably all of the Steves.

The Yellow Apprentice gave me a sharp look, shaking his head in disappointment. I felt myself getting a bit defensive.

"Well, what do you want me to call it then? It's not every day you see someone obliterate a mass of darkness," I frowned, crossing my arms as I looked at the Yellow Apprentice.

The Blue Leader looked back and forth between the Yellow Apprentice and I. "Is someone going to explain what happened here, or am I going to have to ask again?" It seemed less like a threat, and more like he was annoyed. Or maybe offended. Either way, I felt kinda bad. I guess he deserved an explanation.


"Wait a moment. We should ask the Nightmare King before we say anything," Sabre intervened, cutting me off.

"So what, you're just gonna leave him hanging here? Doesn't he, like, deserve an explanation or something? I mean, he did just see something really out-of-the- ordinary," I fumed as guilt crept in. "If I'd just seen someone essentially demolish a huge mass of darkness, I'd want answers too." Darn myself and my stupid guilt. I had a feeling that it would do me more harm than good.

"We'll give him answers after we discuss it with the King. We should probably go back now, before any Blue Steves come looking for the commotion you just caused," the Yellow Apprentice cut in. That was the end of the discussion. Whether I liked it or not, the Yellow Apprentice was the head honcho of the Elite, directly under the Nightmare King, so what he says goes.

The Blue Leader looked highly skeptical, but he, very hesitantly, agreed to come back with us. I wasn't that surprised, though. No one except for me seems to argue with anything relating to the Nightmare King. For some reason people seem afraid of him. I'm not sure why, though. There isn't anything scary about him.

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