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{M} Indigo Leader POV:

"Only one today, Indigo Leader. Beyond."

I whipped my head towards the voice, seeing the same messenger as always. He seemed to have the same report each time. 'Only one', or 'None today'. There had been a relative peace for the last week, but for once I was less concerned on the number of Steves entering the World Beyond or Below, and more on a more recent issue.

"Any report yet from the scout?" I questioned in a slightly hushed tone.

He shook his head. "Nothing yet, I'm afraid. It was supposed to come yesterday, but he never reported to the station. Do you think he's-"

"No, no, we mustn't think like that," I cut the messenger short. "After all, we made sure to give him the clearest of instructions. They have so many guards in that place, they would never tell him apart- especially since the armor is full-body."

Both of us flinched as a loud, deafening crash sounded. It was lightning, but clearly not from a Steve preparing to enter the World Beyond or Below; it was just too loud. It seemed more like multiple Steves teleporting than one, and it seemed intentional. Someone had clearly used the tower to the Middle World.

As footsteps approached, I came to the conclusion that there must've been four Steves. The sound of their steps were loud, but certainly not loud enough for a larger group.

"Should I get the do-" the messenger started, only to be cut off by the door being slammed open. Four, just as I had guessed, entered my home. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was incredibly bewildered when I saw who it was.

"Indigo Leader," the Nightmare King greeted me coldly, his eyes narrowed.

"Nightmare King. What is the meaning of this abrupt entrance?" I questioned him. The leaders never disrespected each other; they may not always agree, but they certainly never barged into each other's houses unannounced.

Instead of answering aloud, he stepped aside. Behind him were two of his Elites, each holding one arm of the Indigo Steve between them. It wasn't any Indigo Steve, however. It was the scout.

I felt my pulse rise, but I gave no sign that I knew what had happened. Narrowing my eyes, I asked, "Care to explain why an Indigo Steve is being brought to me like a prisoner?"

"There's no point in denying it, Indigo Leader. We know exactly what's going on here. We should be the ones asking questions, not you," one of the Elites spoke. It was the only one who's voice I had never heard before; he clearly wasn't a Steve or the other non-Steve, which clearly meant that he was the Elite who wore a blindfold. My mind strayed for a moment as I thought, How can he possibly see with a blindfold on? I quickly remembered what had just been said, and snapped back into action.

"And what, exactly, am I not to deny? Have I done something questionable? Surely it can't be as bad as hiding the identities of non-Steve from the leaders and the people?"

The Nightmare King stood his ground. His expression and gaze always seemed to be cold and calculated, but for once he actually seemed... infuriated.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Indigo Leader," he said sharply, threat edging his words.


"I'm just gonna..." slowly puts down part. "-See ya'!" 

'Takes a quick bow while vanishing in puff of smoke'


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