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"August I'm leaving, see you at school okay?" I hear diere say grabbing her stuff. I rub my eyes with my fists trying to wake myself up. I look at the time and it's 4am

"Why are you leaving so early. I can drive you to school lay back down baby" I say sitting up. She continues grabbing her clothes and I stand up to stop her.

"My mom found out I wasn't at angels and she wants me home. I'll see you later ok?" She says and I can tell she's panicking. I stand up from the bed my eye sight still not 100%. I grab her hands in mine trying to calm her down.

"Cant you see her after school it's too early and we were up late last night" i ask. Thinking back to what we did last night.

"I wish. She's really mad" she continues grabbing her stuff packing it in my backpack that I haven't used since my parents kicked me out.

"How are you gonna get there. Let me drive you" I say grabbing my keys from my nightstand and diere shakes her head no.

"No you should go back to sleep I can just take the bus" she says trying to gently push me back down on the face. She thinks I'm gonna let her take the bus at this hour?

"It's not a problem let's go."I say before she makes anymore excuses there's no way I'm gonna let her take the bus. I grab two hoodies out of my drawer handing her one "Here it's gonna be cold"

"Thank you". She says as she pulls it over her head it looks like she drowning in the fabric but at least she'll be warm. We walk downstairs where Ray sits on the couch with a bottle of something in his hands watching who knows what.

"Is it 6:00 already?" Ray asks looking over the couch at us. What the hell was he even doing down here. And why was he drinking. I can't help but think about my dad when I see him like that.

"No Ray diere has to go home I'll be back soon" I say opening the door and closing it behind me and diere. Ray yelling something about who's gonna cook me breakfast. We walk outside and into the car. The whole drive over is quiet except for the faint music playing. I don't know if I'm just tired or if diere is actually freaking out about her mom. She wouldn't do anything too drastic?

"I don't think you should come in. It might be a lot" she says as we reach her house. Somehow it seems more eery than usual maybe it because the circumstances.

"Are you sure I mean I can come in-" I was about to say before I see Athena storm outside and starts tapping in the window. I told it down giving her a guilty smile but her face is flat.

"Both of you inside now" she says her tone sends shivers down my spine. She's scarier than Diere. She walks of and diere and I follow behind her. Diere and I sit on the couch waiting to be lectured.

"Diere I can't believe you were lying to me about where you were!" Her mom yells slamming the door behind her. Diere flinches at the loud sound.

"Well you obviously have a problem with me being with august so why would i?" She says a hint of attitude in her tone. And I don't think Athena is happy with her tone because her face scrunches up.

"What are you talking about" she asks crossing her hands over one another. I knew telling diere what her mom said would only cause problems.

"You said we spend to much time together and then guilt tripped him into breaking up with me once I leave for college"

"That's not what I meant I just want you too succeed" her mom says a hint of sympathy on her face.

"You can't force what you wished you'd done onto me." Diere says her voice rising in pitch. Her mom scoffs her face suprised that diere was even arguing with her on this.

"I'm trying to do what's best for you and august understands that." She says motioning her hand over to me a smug look on her face.

"I do but-"

"What do you mean you do? So you were going to break up with me?!?" Diere yells and although I do love her more than anything I couldn't watch her future being flush down the drain just so we could be together.

"If I was getting in the way of your future diere I would. I love you too much to force you to stay with me if I was holding you back" I try to explain. Her eyebrows lower and curl into each other giving me a look of betrayal.

"Fuck you august. I would stay with you no matter what but if you're just planning to break up with me anyways maybe we should just get it over with." She spits out and that's not what I meant at all. I realize that being what her mom wants her to be is not what's important to diere anymore. She just wants to be happy. She only works as hard as she does to help out here.

"Diere calm down" her mom says

"Don't tell me to calm down. I thought you wanted this for me. I was doing this for you!  But when you thought it got in the way of what you wanted for me my happiness dosent matter anymore?"

"I don't think that's what she's-"

"Stop sticking up for her august! It's supposed to be us. We're supposed to be on the same page!"

"We are Diere"

"No we're not you know what until you figure out who's opinion you care about more me or my moms I think we should take some time apart." She says removing her hand from mine.

"Diere don't do this"

"You're being ridiculous diere. You need to grow up" I can see something snap in Diere when her mom says that. Even I know how much those words hurt her.

"I need to grow up?!? Mom I've never been a child! Who was there with you raising your kids when dad was working?!? Who did online school just to help you out around the house! I work 48 hours a week trying to help you and I need to grow up?!" She says getting up and walking to the door opening it.

"Where are you going" her mom asks and she walks out the door.

"To school" she yells out behind her. I follow her outside and into the car where she breaks down as soon as she closes the car door. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I've only seen her cry so many times but I feel like her mom isn't the only one to blame for her being like this. I messed up. I know that she's only with me right now because she's less mad at me right now.


"Why would you say that you asshole" she says pushing me away from her. I grab her hands to stop her and she collapses into my chest. I pull her over the seat and into my lap. Wrapping my hands around her as tight as I can as she stains my shirt with tears.

"I'm sorry I take it back. You know I could never let you go" I say holding her even tighter trying to stop her shaking. I can't believe I said that. I just wanted to be accepted by dieres mom because I envy their relationship so much.

"You meant it you're going to leave me" she says trying to push me away again. I don't let her.

"No I promise I won't. Ever." She sighs deeply her crying stoping. I pull her away from my chest grabbing her face in my hand and pecking her on the lips. I pull away wiping her tears from her face as she leans into my hand. "You know what let's skip school okay"

"Yeah okay." I pull out the parking lot driving to the only place that will make Diere understand how much I love her. I pull into Rays tattoo parlor parking the car in the front as I open the door for diere. She looks confused on why we're here.

"What are we doing here"

"I'm gonna get a tattoo of your name"

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