Chapter 24

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"Diere Maudeline Moore! What were you thinking!" My mom yells frantically rushing around and grabbing her stuff from around the room noora in hand. She does this all the time when she's mad. She can't keep still. But she's right what was I thinking? I've never let myself get that angry before.

"I was thinking that that racist bitch needed to be put in her place" I don't know why I said that. I mean it's true.

"Language! And this had nothing to do with August?" She asks suspiciously finally looking me in the eye. I look away from her pretending to be interested in some dirt on my shoe. I don't know why I got so angry. Maybe it was because of what she said about August and what Ray told me. Or maybe I was just tired of letting everything slide just so I don't seem like a bitch.

"Not everything I do is because of him" I roll my eyes. something I've never done to my mom. I know she's right but I can't help but be angry at her because I'm angry at myself and she knows that.

"Well, it's gotta be something! you got suspended for a week! This is going on your record! What about Yale?!"

"I'm sorry your right Mom. I don't know what got into me."

"you know what well discuss this later I need to take Noora to her doctor's appointment. Since you're going to be here because you're definitely grounded, I need you to pick up your siblings when school is over."

"I'm Grounded?!" I haven't been grounded since I was 5 years old. She must be really mad. She doesn't even answer me she leaves and slams the door behind her. This is so stupid. I doubt Charlie got suspended. What am I going to do for the next four hours home alone? I sit on the couch and turn on the TV. Adventure time coming on as soon as I open it. Me and August used to watch Adventure Time together. I decide to just put on Rick and Morty instead when I hear a banging on my door that scares the shit out of me. What if someone trying to break in. I look through the peep whole and that's when I see him. He looks horrible. His eyes look tired and he looks like he just ran a marathon or something. I don't know if I should open the door. But my worriedness gets the best of me I'm just going to see if he's okay. I slightly open the door peeking my head out.

"What do you want August?" I say quietly not looking him in the eye. He's holding the letter I wrote him in his hand and moves his head so he's in my eyesight.

"can I come in? I wanna talk," He asks solemnly. His green eyes are red and sad. I want to say no to him. I need to. So why do I open the door?

"We have nothing to talk about." My words and my actions are saying two different things because I open the door letting him in and close it behind him.

"Yes, we do."

"What do we-"

"I love you. Diere Maudeline Moore. I love everything about you. I love your hair and your smile. I love your dimples and your mole. I love your eyes and how they get all shiny when you look up at me. I love that you make me laugh. I love how selfless you are and as much as I hate how you put others before yourself I also love you for it.I love everything about you" He says out of breath not once breaking eye contact with me. "tell me you love me too"

"I don't know you-," I say my eyes watering but I'm interrupted by him asking me again.

"do you love me? yes or no," he asks seriously. his eyes pleading for an answer from me. I want to say yes. I really do. I want to believe him.


"Diere do you love me? if you don't love me I'll leave right now and as much as I would hate it I will keep my distance from you"

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