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"Okay let's go" I say grabbing my phone from the night stand. Diere and I meet the other in ezrians car Lucas and Angel in the front. We hop in the back on either side of ezrian as we drive off. The car ride is eerily quiet as nothing but the soft music from the stereo is playing. No one dares to be the first one to break the awkward silence because no one knows what to say because this is all so unexpected. Everyone seems tense except for diere. She's playing some cat game on her phone and for some reason that makes me feel more at ease. Once we pull up to Kenny's house diere gets out first she seems excited.

"How do I look is this what cool people wear to parties" she ask half joking half sincere. She spins around showing off her flared grey tights, my Rick and Morty t-shirt slippers.

"Of course you're wearing all my clothes." She grabs my hands in hers as we wait on the curb for Lucas and angel to find a parking spot. Diere and I sit on the curb, diere in the middle and ezrian and I sitting on opposite side of her.

"So ezrian anyone catch your eye yet? That girl over there is pretty cute" diere says pointing over to a Hispanic girl wearing baggy clothes doing flips on her skate board. Ezrian shrugs not really giving us a clear sign that he cares let along likes the girl.

"What is your type man? I've known you forever and I've you've never told me." I ask ezrian seems to tense up. Now that I think about it I've never even seen him with a girl.

"Uhh well I-" he gets interrupted by Lucas and angel walking back up to the house.

"Time to find ezrian a girlfriend!" Angel says helping him up from his spot on the curb. Diere and I follow behind them into the house and that familiar smell of smoke and alcohol fills my nostrils but it's no where near as bad as last time and there's also less people.

"Hey ezzy!" Kenny says coming up to us a hookah in his hand and hugs ezrian with the other one. I didn't know they were so close. Ezrian waves hello a huge grin appearing on his face one I haven't seen at all today.

"Kenny these are my friends I know you know Lucas and angel. This is August and Diere"

"I know you! You're the one who fought that girl!" He says and a proud look appears on dieres face.

"Yeah that was me"

"I was waiting for someone to choke her out she's always been such a bitch." "Well anyways come in and make yourselves at home we've got food and drinks and if you smoke please do that in the basement... Lucas"

"Where are you going?" I ask diere as she walks off towards the kitchen.

"To get a drink" she says like it's nothing. A drink? She dosent even drink .

"What are you talking about you don't drink" she pick up random bottle from the counter assessing them. I grab them from her placing them back down.

"There's a first time for everything I wanna see what people are tripping balls over." She explain as she continues to go through cabinets locking through the various options of alcohol like she knows exactly what she's looking for.

"Your mom would kill me if she found out" she would already be mad if she even found out we were here. I've still haven't gotten completely back on her good side.

"You care too much about what she thinks"

"Of course I do she's your mom and I'm your boyfriend"

"Well I don't want to stop you from having fun." She says and I hope she isn't doing this for me. I knew she wouldn't be able to completely get over what happened the last time where at a party.

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