Chapter 17

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"What the hell diere?!" I yell on the ground infront of her . She laughs holding out a hand to help me up after she was falling and dragged me down with her. For some reason she thought this was a great idea for our first real date even though she sucks a roller skating. Im surprised she was even talking to me i really thought my dad was gonna ruin this whole thing but I'm glad I could earn her forgiveness.Ever since the thing with my dad happened we decided we're only going to hangout out dieres house which is what we've been doing for the past weeks which we spent almost everyday together. Out friends even sit together at lunch. The only reason we're here instead of house is because her whole family is at the house. I don't mind though going over there has been way less awkward when her dad finally warmed up to me. After lots of effort and forced conversation we've finally founded something to bond over which is out taste for old music and now i like him even more than diere. That's a joke I don't like anyone as much as I like her. I like everything about her even her nitpicking. I've never like anyone the way I like her and I don't think I ever will.

"I'm sorry" she says still laughing holding on to me for dear life trying not to fall. "I've never did this before"

"Yeah I can tell" I say trying not to be dragged down with her as I head for the rinks exit.

"Leaving already?" She ask a smile still playing in her lips as she looks up at me.

"I'm gonna end up with a broken leg if I stay on the rink with you." I say poking her forehead pushing her away from me slightly.

"Hey I wasn't that bad practice makes perfect right?" There's no way I'm letting her take me back on the roller rink.

"Fine let's play a game and whoever wins gets to decide." She cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Okay what game?" She ask looking around at potential options and I already know what game I'm gonna suggest.

"Basketball" I say there's no way she's gonna beat me at this. She nod her head and we walk over to the basketball game.

"Your gonna loose" she smirks cockily. I don't have time to question her overconfidence because the game starts. I can't let her win there's no way im gonnna survive on the rink with her making me fall on my ass every five minutes . I start taking the basketballs from her baskets and putting them in mine.

"Hey!" She says as she pushes me away and I push her back playfully to get her away while trying to shoot the basketballs into the basket.
"Your cheating"

"There were no rules that said I couldn't" she scoffs refocusing her attention on her own baskets but it's too late im already in the lead by 40 points there's no way she's gonna catch up.

"You know what whatever you win" she says annoyed as the buzzer goes off and the basketballs get locked up."but only because you cheated."

"A win is a win" I shrug wrapping my arm around her waist leading us toward the exit of the building."fine since I cheated you can pick were we go next"

Diere smiles happily grabbing my phone to put in the address of where we're going while we walk to the car. It's a cafe bookstore thing I've never heard of before.

"A bookstore?" I question.

"Not just any bookstore my favorite bookstore ever" she says gleaming and I don't question it anymore as long as she's smiling like that we could go to mars and I wouldn't care. I place my hand on dieres thigh as i pull off following the gps while she puts on music. Every once in a while I catch her glancing over at me when she thinks I'm not looking. Once we reach the bookstore I can realize the appeal. It's this vintage looking brick building with big glass windows and overgrown vines scaling up and down the exterior. Diere grabs my hand and pulls me into the building.

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