Chapter 18

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I'm started to get the hang of this whole girlfriend thing. It's not as complicated or stressful as I thought. Well let me not jinx it. The only weird thing is that ever since Augusts friends have been sitting with Angel, Lucas and I his friends have been talking to me outside of lunch. Well I guess that shouldn't be that weird but gene especially since we have a class together has been acting friendly towards me he never talked to me before so maybe that's why I think it's weird.

"Hi Augusts girlfriend" he waves as he sits next to me. he's been doing ever since I've been with august.

"I have a name yk" I reply trying to pay attention to what the teacher is writing on the board.

"Yeah but augusts gf sets boundaries " he says smirking taking out his notebook to write down notes as well.

"You think I need boundaries?" I say sarcastically my focus still on my notebook and the board.

"Yeah yk I'm such a charming guy it would be best for august if you didn't fall in love with me" he says slyly. His ego is so big it's actually bizarre.

"August told me you were like this and I thought he was exaggerating" I giggle quietly covering my mouth with my hand.

"I knew he was intimidated "

"Your ridiculous "

"I'm funny"

"Funny looking"

"Oh she's got jokes" he laughs obvious satire in his tone

"I'm not joking" I reply simply

"Howd august bag you"

"If anyone was bagged it was august" I say because it's the truth. I'm lucky that august put up with my rude exterior and actually tried to get to know me.

"Ew gross Don't be all lovey dovey like that it's gross" he says as he pretends to be barfing and I know this dude isn't serious when he's been all over every girl in school. In public.

"Don't you have a girlfriend I swore I seen you with India like hungrily making out in the hallway that was disgusting "

"I don't do girlfriends and I'm sure you and august don't keep it pg either" there's no way I'm discussing me and Augusts sex life(even though it's nonexistent) with him. I mean we've never got that far and I'm not sure if I even wanna go that far.

"So your one of those" i ask changing the subject. It's rhetorical I already see through his "I don't do relationships" facade.

"What a devishly handsome guy who doesn't want to be held back by the burdens of relationships " he replies leaning back in his chair slightly studying me like a zoo animal or something. Its really irritating because why is he looking at me like that.

"no I was thinking more like a guy who's scared of commitment either that or someone broke your heart" I finally take my eyes of my notebook to look him in the eye. He scratches the back of his neck turning his head to the side.

"Well funny and wise" he adds placing his chair back on the floor still studying me like I'm a science experiment of something I look at him glaring trying to give him a sign to turn the fuck around.

"I read enough of this basic trope your doing to see right through you" it's true most of my romance books are like this the guy who doesn't do relationships because his heart was broken by one girl or because his parents are divorced. I wasn't gonna ask him if the second one was true because that's just rude.

"Hm yeah tell august not to worry psychic's aren't my type"  he says standing up as the bell rings.

"I'll be sure too" I reply even though we both know I'm not.

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