Chapter 6

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For the rest of my shift me and august keep making eye contact wether it's when I'm taking a customers order or cleaning a table. It's really weird and I don't like it I almost tell him that I changed my mind about the ride but I was gonna walk home anyway and it's getting late. When I'm clocking out one of my co workers come up to me. Charlie she's a 5,0 brunette with the whole 90's marlin Monroe vibe going on and it works for her. We've only talked a few times but she seems really cool and we cover eachothers shifts when needed. We have kind of like an unspoken loyalty to eachother probably because we're the youngest at the job.

"Hey is that your boyfriend or something" she nods her head in the direction of august and I almost laugh. What would cause her to come to that conclusion. I mean he is waiting for me to get off work and we were sharing his headphones but that was clearly obviously platonic well more like partnertonic I would exactly say we're friends.

"No nothing like that? Why?" I hope she dosent want me to set her up with him or anything that would be kind of awkward.

"He just tipped me 100$" she pulls the bill out of her pocket and I gasp because I wouldn't have expected that from him.

"Woah I don't know- "

"We're not dating I guess he's just a good tipper" I shrug and wave goodbye to her. Does he just throw around hundred dollar bills like it's nothing I mean I knew his was rich but I didn't know he was that rich. As august notices me walking up to the table he turns toward me with a smile.

"Ready to go?" He says grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He even cleaned off his table and left a neatly stacked pile of dishes in the middle of the table. I wonder if he does this all the time or if he's just doing this to make himself look good.

"Yeah...let's go" I follow behind him to his car and the suns gone done making it kind of chilly outside I wrap my arms around my body to create some warmth. August turns around a laughs.

"Are you cold?" He says with a sly grin on his face annoying the fuck out of me I hate it when he makes that face. He pauses and looks at me waiting for my response.

"No shit captain obvious" why is he just standing there can't he tell I'm freezing to death here. He shrugs at my response leaving me there shivering. "Your not gonna be cheesy and offer me your coat."

"If you wanna wear my jacket that bad all you have to do is ask" at this moment I'm very glad that I'm black because the melanin in my skin is the only thing keeping the redness in my face hidden. Is august flirting with me and did I initiate it? As I'm trying to overanalyze everything august hands me his jacket but I don't even want it anymore.

"It's fine we're almost to the car right? I push his jacket back towards him and he eventually accepts it with a slight frown.

"Yeah come on" I follow behind him in silence as we reach the car he opens the door for me which shocks me but I eventually thank him and jump into his massive suv I could've swore I heard him laugh a bit.

"What's funny?" I turn towards him as he sits in the car. He looks at me biting his lips to hide his smile and it obviously doesn't work.

"What are you talking about?" He looks at me like I'm crazy playing off his relaxed expression. He cocks an eyebrow at me grinning that god forsaken grin. And that's when I realized my eyes had traveled to his lips but I quickly avert back to his eyes hoping he didn't notice.

"Nothing-.....nevermind " why did I do that it's not like I want to kiss him or anything I mean he's pretty but I would never be attracted to a guy like him. Never. No way. He groans dramatically and pulls out the driveway. The car ride would've been pain stakengly awkward if there wasn't music playing. I try to ignore the tension in the air, pulling out my book and annotating the pages hoping to get this whole project over sooner rather than later because I'm starting to get comfortable and I can't be.

As his car stops at my house I hurry to grab my stuff almost out the door when august stops me.

"Are you mad at me?" He clears his throughly staring ahead not once meeting my eyes.

"I'm not mad I'm-"  I try to find the words to explain the situation I'm in without embarrassing myself or sharing too much.

"Your what? I'm confused I don't think I've wronged you in anyway but it always seem like you just have something against me." He shrugs I don't wanna admit that he's right but he is and I hate that he's able to read me so well because I don't want him too.

"Well you did steal that parking spot from me" I say smiling awkwardly trying to lighten the mood.

"Diere" he grunts in a deepening his tone making me shiver at the seriousness in his voice. He finally looks me in the eye and dosent look away and neither do I. He sighs leaning in and I think he's going to kiss me and I don't know why I just sit there frozen in shock not even breathing. He gets closer and closer until I hear a click behind me as he pushes the door open. And I'm so embarrassed that I thought he was gonna kiss me and I was maybe going to let him. He dosent immediately move away from me traveling his eyes up and down my body making me a bit self conscious. I slid out of the seat standing in the doorway of the car.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow it's getting late" I add in a fake yawn to really sell my story. He nods solemnly putting the car into drive.

"Goodnight diere"

"Goodnight august"he drives away and I just stand there for a bit taking in the rollercoaster of a day this was. When I'm finally able to walk inside the door I seeing my mom standing at the kitchen table suspiciously. I'm guessing she saw that whole interaction.

"Momma...we're you watching me." I asking already knowing the answer by her facial expression. She clears her through which she always does before she lies to me she should know she can't lie to me.

"No bug of course not I respect you and your privacy tooo too much I would never." I roll my eyes groaning"okay yes I did who was that cute boyyyy??" She says getting too excited over nothing.

"He's no one mommmm stop prying" I grab some ramen out the pantry. I'm so hungry even though I ate most of augusts food. As I turn on the gas stove to boil my water I notice my mom standing behind me.

"Mom what?" I say knowing she won't let this go unless I tell her something she wants to hear. So I come up with something on the spot.
"Fine he's my boyfriend" I lie straight through my teeth. And she gasps dramatically.

"why didn't you tell me?" She says and I feel bad lying to her but I know none the less she's excited for me. She worries all the time that I'm working all the time and don't have fun maybe this will make her worry less.

"We weren't official and I didnt wanna jinx it" straining my noodles my mom follows me to our dining table.

"I'm so happy for you bug" she wraps me in a hug and I fall into her she's always been able to make me feel less stressed. As she steps away she yawns loudly.

"Go to bed mom" I kiss her on the cheek and backs into her room with a goodnight.

"You should invite him over for dinner I want to meet him" she presses smiling that cute smile and I can't say no to her so I nod yes and she closes her bedroom door with a smile.

As I'm sitting at the dining table registering what I just did I begin to freak out. Why did I lie to her. Why did I say that. What do I do now?!?!?! I try to calm down deciding to face this problem head on.I take out my phone and text august.

"Wanna be my boyfriend?"

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