Chapter 7

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"Wanna be my boyfriend" I reread the message over and over in shock . I turn the car around and drive back to dieres house since I didn't get that far once I get there I text her that I'm outside. It's a good 5 minutes before I actually see her slide out the front door cautiously and walk up to the car I open the door for her and she hops in. Literally.

"So I guess your wondering what I'm talking about your probably like "what the fuck is she on about"-" she talks so fast I can't even understand what she's saying.



"What's going on?"

"Well my mom kinda saw us talking outside and she just kept pushing and pushing thinking something was going on between us so I kinda told her that you were my boyfriend and now she wants to meet you"I just sit there taking it all in but I realize i can use this to find out what her deal is and I don't really mind anyways.

"Ok" i say simply. She looks at me sideways in disbelief.


"Yes I'll do it" i look over at her and I can't tell if she's relieved or disgusted

"Are you serious" am I? For some reason I think this would be fun.

"Very" she takes a deep breath assessing the situation "so what do i have to do?"

"Just dinner" she sounds unsure but I still agree anyway.


"Tuesday after school" seemingly explaining it to herself and I. I really have no idea what im doing or why im doing this but I wanna help her out as I always do for some reason. She opens the car door and heads inside.

"Good night girlfriend!" I yell before she enters her house and she turns around flushed and annoyed waving goodbye. And I just sit here not wanting to go back to the empty house so instead I drive over to my uncles tattoo shop. Blasting music the whole way home allowing me to fill my mind with the lyrics of the songs instead of overthinking. Once I walk into the shop I grab a bag of the bbq Fritos from the vending machine and head to the back we're my uncle works.

"Hey bud" my uncle says as I step through the door. He's tattooing a anime character on some dudes arm.

"Hey" I pull out a chair watching him do his work and as I'm sitting down my uncle hands me the tattoo gun.

"My hands getting tired finish this up for me will you" he knows that I may be interested in a tattooing it would definitely be at the top of my list if my parents weren't forcing me to become a lawyer like my dad. The guy dosent even flinch when I start using the tattoo gun because I've helped my uncle before wether it's a tattoo or a piercing I'be always was infatuated with my uncles job. He steps back walking over to the mini fridge grabbing a monster out the fridge.

"Your folks outta town again?" He asks his thick Jersey accent showing in his voice.

"Yeah for the week" he clicks his tongue disapprovingly shacking his head.

"I hate how they always leave you but you know you can bunk at my house for the week right?" I nod in gratitude staying focused on the task at hand as I finish up the tattoo I wipe it off with a alcohol wipe and step back to assess the quality my uncle doing the same.

"Nice kid" he pats me on the back and the customer thanks us paying my uncle and leaves. So what's the problem?" I look at him baffled at how he could no something was bothering me even though I've yet to say three words to him.

"What are you on about" I shove his arm in annoyance and he retaliates with a push that almost knocks me of my chair.

"Let me guess girl troubles?"he wiggled his eyebrows and I don't know why but I get a little red of embarrassment. "What's her name?"

"Diere" I say defeatedly I mean it's nothing like what he's thinking though I just need some advice.

" whats the problem?"  I start to fidget with my rings not knowing what I should tell.

"She wants me to pretend to be her boyfriend" my uncle laughs and I glare at him."what's funny?"

"Sorry I'm sorry it's just kids these days" he grabs my hand to stop be from fidgeting he's probably the only one who's notice that I do that. He thinks that I have anxiety so he gives me tips on how to calm down. I appreciate them but i don't want to self diagnose myself and my dad would just ship me off to a mental facility if I asked him for help so I only talk to my uncle about it.

"Well she wants me to have dinner with her family but i don't know there's just something about her. She way too selfless and never lets anyone do anything for her. She has some sort of trust issues and all she does is study and work" I realize I'm ranting so I calm down a bit.

"Is she pretty?"  Beautiful is an understatement she's stunning. But that has nothing to do with anything so Instead of answering I stuff my face with my bbq Fritos.

"So she you think she's pretty and you want to get to know her more in my days we called that infatuation" he makes a weird gesture with his hands and I flip him off.

"When am I gonna meet this....diere" he says grinning at me like he's picking fun at me.

"Never if I have anything to say about it" laughing he pats my back.

"So are you crashing at my place for the week?" He grabs some chips out my bag and I slap his hand away.

"Yeah if you don't mind" I really don't wanna be in that house in my own it's not that I'm scared or anything it's just lonely there.

"Of course I don't mind you dunce." He ruffled my hair. "You need a haircut kid" standing up we get ready to leave the store saying goodbye to the staff.

"What you don't like the mullet it's cool" he winces in disgust disapprovingly.

"What ever you say kid" he gets in his car and drives of and I follow behind him he lives in this cool High-rise apartment and I don't know why my parents looks so down on him it looks like he makes good enough money to me. I grab my backpack in the back that I load with spare clothes and toothbrushes and stuff I usually keep in there because I stay at my uncles pretty frequently because my parents leave pretty frequently. As we take the elevator up to one of the highest floors I've always thought his apartment was cool it has an amazing view that would be greatly appreciate by me if I wasn't scared of heights and it has the whole 90's Rockband vibe to it. I jump on his huge couch and make myself comfortable. As my uncle grabs 2 beers and hands one to me he knows I don't like them but they help me sleep so I can look past the bittier taste. He throws me the remote for the tv and I put on South Park. When I get a message notification on my phone .

Diere📖: I forgot to say thank you so here's me saying it now
Diere📖: thank you

I look at the text not knowing I was smiling way to hard at the text but my uncle notices.

"Is that her?" He says looking at me knowingly and I absolutely despise the smug look an his face.

"Go the hell to sleep" I throw one of the couch pillows at me and he finally goes to his room.

August: your welcome

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