Chapter 28

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"I wish you wouldn't talk about yourself that way" I say letting him finish the rest of the French toast as I cut up some fruit and put it into little bowls. I hate how he acts like he isn't good at anything when he's so talented.

"Yeah your right sorry lets not talk about this." He says laughing it off. He dosent want to talk about it? We talk about everything that's who we are we trust eachother with everything.

"No we should-"

"August! What the hell are you doing here" my dad says patting him on the shoulder completely ignoring me.

"Morning dad" I say in a sarcastic tone. He gives me a quick good morning then goes back to having a side conversation with august. Interrupting the conversation I wanted to have with him. I'm starting to think he likes august more than me.

"No he did not. You know what you forget about that old nut your basically my son" august laughs at my dad's unfunny joke. Maybe that's why he likes him more. Sorry dad I can't pretend your jokes are funny.

"Dadddddd" I say dragging it out like a child. He's so embarrassing some times.

"Thanks diesel" august says giving him a hug. It's sweet how close they are.

"Breakfast is ready!" I yell up the stairs as loud thumping starts to come from above me. I plate everyone's food placing the French toast and a bowl of fruit in front of every seat.

"Mom's not awake yet?" I ask my dad as I put whip cream on the kids French toast.

"'Moreee" Mac yells. I add more making a tower of whip cream on top of macs French toast.

"No she didn't sleep at all last night." He says his brows furrowing. Mom's always been a weird sleeper. She used to suffer from insomnia so she eventually gained a coffee addiction which she still hasn't recover from.

"Don't worry dad I'm sure she's just ran out of her medicine or something. I'll pick some up today." My dad nods giving a small smile. Once everyone finishes there breakfast my parents go to work while me and august go upstairs to my room and the rest of the kids follow us making themselves comfortable Harvey, Harley and mac sitting on the floor in there bean bags they brought in here and diere and Rowan lying at the bottom of my bed and noora lying between august and I drinking a bottle of milk as we all watch adventure time.

"I think I might take up more hours since I'm suspended" I whisper to august breaking our comfortable silence.

"How come?" He asks a noora dozes away using his arm as a pillow. I take the bottle putting it on the night stand across from me.

"I don't know my mom seems to be overworking herself again" I explain.

"You shouldn't over work yourself either baby" august responds stiffly moving his hand to stroke my face being careful not to wake noora.

"I'll be fine I just wanna be able to help." And as much as I agree with him I can't listen to him because whether I want to or not I'm the glue that holds this family together. And I just have always been there for my mom and I can't stop now.

"You help enough. You undermine so much that you do around here." He responds and I sigh rolling my eyes. He's being such a hypocrite right now. He does the same thing.

"Your one to talk."

"What do you mean"

"I mean you're so talented and caring and hardworking yet you give yourself no credit." August is about to say something when we're interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I stand up telling the kids I'll be right back august following me down stairs. I open the door and it's Ray.

"Diere" ray says nodding a head toward me and then looking at august and his whole demeanor changes as he steps inside putting august in a headlock ruffling his hair.

"Forgot to turn your tracking off dipshit. I was worried sick about you." He says letting go of august after he's done. August fixes his hair rolling his eyes.

"Yeah yeah I'm sorryy. Now go away if you can't see I'm spending time with my girlfriend." August responds trying to push Ray out the door.

"Oh no no no.your not getting rid of me that easy come on get your stuff we're going back to my place." Ray says trying to drag august outside and I just stand by the door watching the interaction.

"No I'm staying here" august responds as they push the door back and forth. Do they always have to argue like little kids.

"What are you guys 5?!? Can you please talk this out like adults instead of playing tug of war with my door!!?!" I yell catching both of there attention. They both give me a look like children after being scolded by their parents as they let go of the door. August letting Ray inside.

"Thankyou." The kids start to emerge from upstairs being nosy as always.

"Diere who is that" Harvey and Harley ask at the same time. Ray goes to the bottom of the stairs to greet them.

"Why hello kiddos" he says waving slightly.

"Diere that old man is scaring us" destiney says hiding behind Mac. August and I emerge into laughter as Ray walks over to the kitchen table mumbling something about "this is why I never had kids"

"I really don't wanna talk to him right now. I just wanna stay hereeeee. With youuu" august says leaning in for a kiss. I quickly swerve it pointing over to the kids looking at us innocently. He smirkingly rolls his eyes.

"I know but Ray is really worried about you"

"August your not leaving are you" Rowan ask her eyes watering. I can see the guilt on Augusts face. Rowan is like a little sister to august in fact august treats all of my siblings like they are his own.

"Of course not ro " he says reassuring her.

"Yes you are dipshit." Ray says from the kitchen showing that he was listening to our conversation.

"No profanity mr. Weird man" destiney says interrupting him.

"I think it's time for you guys to go to sleep"I say pushing them up the stairs then walking back down to see Ray holding august in a headlock again.

"Stop being a bitch and just come stay with me" Ray says ruffling august's hair.

"I said I'm not going dickface" august says trying to pull Ray off of him. I run up to both of them pulling Rays arms off of august.

"Can you guys stop acting like idiots and just talk it out like adults!" I yell making both of them sit down at the table.

"This is so stupid. You guys are helpless you can't spend more than 24 hours apart" That's not true at all. We spend lots of time apart. Right?

"Why does everyone keep saying that" august groans rolling his eyes. I raise an eyebrow at him and he makes a face as if he said something he shouldn't have.

"Wait who else said that." He never told me about anyone saying something like that to him and he tells me everything . Even if it's something stupid like what he ate for every meal of the day.

" one. Nevermind" He says avoiding my gaze and I can see it in his face that he's lying . Whenever he lies he can't look at me in the eyes and he fiddles with his ring.

"August Finnley Montgomery I know you did not just lie to my face" I say and his eyebrows furrow.

"Damn the full name. Someone's in troubleee" Ray sings out. He really is just a big kid.

"Diere it's nothing can we please talk about something else." He says trying to avoid the subject . Why is he being so secretive with stuff all of a sudden?

"How about we talk about the fact that you're coming to stay with me." Ray chimes in .

"No" we both say at the same time.

"August what the hell.why are you lying to me" I ask again getting tired of begging him to tell me . We've never kept anything from eachother so why is he being so stubborn?

"I'm not I just" he pauses looking for an excuse.

"Who said that to you" I ask again my tone getting more and more serious.

"Athena but she didn't mean it like that I'm sure"

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